The Girl By The water

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I sat with everyone watching the fire destroy the wood we had put on it moments ago, Meera sat getting her bed ready to sleep, bran already fast asleep against the tree, Hodor asleep too. I sighed I didn't want to sleep yet so I got up and headed into the woods. wondering quietly though the darkening canopy of the tree's, I heard the sounds of water, there was a river or perhaps a brook near by, I could hear as well a sweet singing. 

I went closer seeing a flickering flame behind tinted blue and red glass of a lantern, it illuminated the river as it babbled by, as well as the bare feet of a girl. 

She stood barefoot in the green grass, a long slightly transparent purple dress slightly in the water, her long beautiful hair covering most of her face and her body, her sweet voice singing a beautiful tune. 

"Hello Master reed" Her sweet voice spoke 

"Hello... Who are you?"

"My name is lost"

"Lost? Lost where?"

"To the ever turning wheel of time."

"Where did you come from?"

"A Place long lost from here" 

"what are you?"

".... A creature. Lost to time. I am the last one still in this world. what is it you seek?"

"I don't sneek anything"

"You heard my singing?"
"I did"
"Then you sneek something" she smiled trying to me "A secret, an answer, Only you can ask" 

"What lies bellow the werewood tree? that sits apon the icy ridge. and why does it haunt me?"

"You do not need me to answer that Master Reed. for within yourself you know the answer" 

"It shall lead... to my death?"

"By all the gods old and new, of mystics true and false, of sky and moon, stars and sun. It shall in all ways and in all times Be so." she explained "You're death there shall come to pass, always"

"Why does it haunt me?"

"It doesn't haunt you, it calls you to your fate. as Our final rest always does" she says 

"What are you?" I asked again 

".... I was once known as a Ornypmh" 

"An Ornypmh, a playful forest creature, undying, siren like, oracle Nymph"

"You're visions reveal these things to you?"

"They do"

"Would you like to take a walk with me?"

"Now? in this darkness?"

"No" she smiled "When you are done walking in the woods, and finished under the tree" she giggled collecting her lantern "Will you come walk with me?" 

"I don't know how I would return here to you?"

"I shall leave the door open for you, master reed. When you're finished under the tree. You are welcome to come and walk with me" she smiled as she slowly walked her dress swishing amung the grass 

"Will you be waiting for me?"

"Of course" she smiled "Until then Master reed" she smiled blowing me a kiss before she disappeared into the woods leaving me in darkness and in the hushed quiet.

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