A - Affection [How affectionate are they with you?]
He's what you like to call an affection werewolf, he doesn't give you anything until after sunset, after all his work is done and he can spend the evening and night with you, and as soon as the sun begins to set he becomes the most snuggly affectionate boy in the world.
B - Butter [How much do they coddle you, and how?]
Not much, he coddles you when your pregnant , you might as well accept that for nine months you are not going to move from the bed, as he will protect you like you where made of glass. but whenever your not he allows you to become the beautiful huntress you where when he met you and he wouldn't ever stop you, he loves to see his beautiful wife off being such a strong independent lady, and he loves watching you train up your children.
C - Confide [How easily do they confide to you?]
Very easily he will tell you anything you ever ask
D - Defensive [How protective are they over you?]
He's protective of you when your pregnant, because your a fragile lady growing a small human in your tummy, his small human, you will be wrapped in bubble wrap with him sat over you like a protective dog growling at anyone who got close. But if your not pregnant he allows you to go jumping though the tree's of the marshes with your bow and arrow hunting down rabbits and such, and he doesn't feel the need to protect you, your a strong beautiful woman who doesn't need protecting.
E - Exhausted [How do they take care of you when you're tired or feeling low?]
He cuddles you tightly and kisses all over you, brings you your favourite foods to cheer you up, and takes you for a walk in the garden or if you can't or don't want to walk he'll bring you a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up
F - Fluffy [How sappily sweet can they get?]
More sappy then a damn tree! the boy is the sappyiest snugglyest boy ever.
G - Game [How much do they play around, and are they a tease?]
He likes to tease you, ticking you and giving you a million little kisses
H - Happy [What's their favourite thing to do with you, that makes them happy?]
he loves sitting with you on the balcony watching the sun rise and set across the vast land, seeing the light strike the high tree's of the greywater marshes, he loves to hold you and keep you in his arms, especially if your pregnant again he loves holding your tummy everyday so he can feel it grow.
I - Initiate [Do they make the first move?]
Very rarely he will make the first move, you mostly make the first move but he doesn't mind
J - Jealousy [How jealous can they get and how do they show it?]
he never gets jealous, he trusts you completely, that and honestly you don't see alot of men anyway, your his wife, his lady, his queen, he doesn't need to be jealous, the only time he has ever got jealous was of your children getting to spend so much time with you while he's in meetings with his father
L - Love [How do they react to you giving them affection?]
he freezes up and turns red, giggling a little hugging you closely and giving you just as much affection as you gave him
M - Married [What's it like to be married to them?]
You're his queen, his little lady of greywater, he'd do anything for you, and he always spoils you like your the most beautiful amazing woman in all of westeros, he would give you the world if you asked it off him, and he wouldn't even argue to do so, and he can't wait for the day you become lord and lady reed, and can rule over greywater with all your children.

Jojen Reed One Shots
FanfictionGame Of Thrones S3 & S4 (HBO) Jojen Reed Plaid Thomas Brodie Sangster One shots/ imagines/ small series