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It was the end of the 1st semester of our 2nd year in the advanced nurturing high school, the 28th of November this school boasts 100% employment and college entry rate to all its students.

Or so what we thought until we started studying at this school, it is said that this school is based on class competition, and the top class namely Class A is the only one who benefits from the 100% employment and college entry.

And the placement is based on class points, you can get your class points deducted by tardies, absence, and usage of phone in class, and you can earn class points through special exams that can vary from paper exams, physical exams, to survival exams.

At the start of your first year each class starts with 1000 class points which are equal to 100 000 private points, private points are the currency that is used in this school to buy goods and stuff, also1 private point is equal to 1 yen. We, Class D, the class of defectives, got our points down to zero in one month because of the high number of tardies and absences.

But we slowly rose up, growing up not only physically but mentally and academically too, there were one of us who started getting good at studying while others raised their physical abilities.

There was a time where we rose up to Class C but we quickly got back down to D because of the other class' leader revival.

I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, came to this school to learn new things, one of them was knowing if people are equal or not, and the other is making my first friends, and experiencing different kinds of feelings.

I'm now standing in front of my whole class, next to me is my girlfriend Kei, yes my girlfriend, I decided to learn love through her, and feel how it is being loved by someone. At first, we agreed to keep our relationship a secret from others, but now we decided to reveal it.

"Anoo there is something, we wanted to tell the whole class about," Kei said making the attention of the whole shift towards us.

As Kei opened her mouth to talk a green light appeared out of the window it started enveloping the whole atmosphere.

Everyone forgot about Kei and started looking out the window, the light reached us in no time and soon enough, I couldn't move, no it's not that I couldn't move only, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, and I couldn't feel anything.

As If you ripped my soul out of my body and let me wander in nothingness. What is this? what happened? I had a lot of questions, but I didn't have the slightest idea of how to answer them.

And so at the end, I decided to count, count in seconds, how much time had passed, that is the least thing I could do, to not lose my mind, to keep track of time, and have some information in my brain when I get out of this situation.

And so I started counting






. . .

Soon enough the numbers reached 95,000,000 seconds that means that at least 3 years have passed

And then 100 million seconds, 1 billion seconds.
Losing myself to counting, the numbers reached  117,177,062,400.

When it reached this number, crack, something cracked, I moved my hand, it moved, "finally!"I exclaimed.

I moved my whole body, and there I saw it, first I was naked, second I was in some kind of a cave, third Kei was laying next to me, no it's not Kei, It's a stone statue of Kei, but why did I assume that it's Kei. It was because when I was freed, there were some rock looking like pieces shattered around the ground.

And that leads to one conclusion, the whole time that I wasn't able to move, I was in this rock-like shell, but I don't think it's made out of rock material.

We were in the school, but now, we are in a cave, there are two possibilities:First, we were moved by someone which is highly unlikely.

Second, because it has passed 117,177,062,500 seconds which is equal to 3715 years, and 241 days, the structure of the environment changed, but even there the rock like material that wasn't decomposed after all this time, but Kei Is still petrified? okay, let's call it petrified. I couldn't also rule out the possibility that when I lost sense of time, and that the time I counted was much lower or much higher.

This is too illogical, I can't think well.


I heard a droplet drop, from the spot that I moved from, and then I saw it.

"This... This is a yellow like substance was falling on my spot, was it what freed me." I said.Then I took Kei, and put her under the substance, 10 minutes have passed nothing had happened.

But wait, now that I think of it, how did I stay alive? I didn't get any source of energy this whole time. I was counting, which meant using my brain, my brain needs energy to think, was it the reason that I was released before Kei, was the stone giving my body some kind of energy?and with me thinking I slowly suck the energy out of the stone.

I have too much to think of, let's just stop now.

I'll leave Kei there, and go get something to eat and make a shelter.

Then I'll have to thoroughly understand this situation.


this is the prologue hope you like the story :)

I'll try to make the story as logical as possible, but if there were some inconsistencies please remind me of them.

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