Chapter 6:The birth of Kiyotaka's Kingdom

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we went at a slow pace, and so we arrived to the cave after a week.

"Finallyy!!" Kei yelled.

"But wait now that I think of it, where will we find them?" Kei asked.

"I already checked the school was in this area" I answered.

"Woaah, there is no sign of it, and there is even a cave"

"No there are, but they're hard to notice, it's been 3700 years so it's these changes are bound to happen"

"By the way, we didn't ask Senku-kun about the formula"

"Yes, we didn't"

"He? and how will we make the revival fluid?"

"I already saw him make it so we have nothing to worry about, let's start making it from now"


After collecting the miracle fluid, and making alcohol, we finally made the revival fluid.

"Fuu, that was a long process," Kei said.

"Yeah, it took us time because we had to make alcohol from scratch" I stated.

"Now who will we revive?" Kei asked.

"We will need more people, physically capable ones." I answered.

"That means, hmm, Hirata-kun, Sudo-kun, and probably Horikita-san, Onodera-san?"

"They are good choices, but we'll start by the ones at the top" I stated.

"Oi, don't tell me-"

"Yes, we're gonna start by Ryuuen, even though by the end, we will probably revive everyone, at least all the second years"

"But why start with him?"

"He's physically capable, I can say that he's the same level or close to Sudo in terms of stamina, not to mention his fighting abilities. Also, he's the leader of class C, he will point us the ones we need"

"And who also we will revive?"

"Probably as you suggested, Hirata, Sudo, Horikita, and how about some of your friends?"

"Okay, that's good!!" Kei said enthusiastically.

We then went and searched for Ryuuen's body, even though we knew the perimeter, it was still very large for two people to be searching in it.

"Kiyotakaaa!! I found it" I heard Kei's yell and caught to her in less than a minute.

"Ew, look at his smile, he was smiling at the light when everyone was shocked."

"Well, with his personality he will totally do it" I said.

"So what? we will revive him here?" Kei asked.

"No, let's take him to the shelter first"


When we started leaving, I caught a glimpse of a statue, it was Hiyori's, we're gonna revive her at the end, So I thought I'll get her statue too, so we won't have the pain of searching for it again.

As I went to take her body, I felt some hands hit, no cover my eyes.

"Kei, what are you doing" I said in my monotone voice.

"He? She's naked, are you serious?"

"She's a statue"

"I won't let you see a girl's naked body, I don't care"

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