Chapter 8: Sakayanagi

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I approached the ship, and I noticed that two men guarding the entrance of the ship.

the two of them seemed rather short, and I could hear their conversation from my hiding spot.

"Who would have thought that we would find other people here" one of them said.

"Yeah totally, and they're around 40 people, if it weren't for the weapons that Dr. Xeno made, we would have totally lost." the other man answered.

"It's not like we were the ones using them, as long as we have the best sniper Stanly, we're unbeatable!"

They made weapons, they were talking English, so I can assume that they came from North America.

They're more of a threat than I anticipated.

But the ones that are supposedly guarding the ship, which means they don't have a lot of people to begin with, and so I can deduce that they don't know how to get people unpetrified.

Now that I remembered, Dr. Xeno, He was a scientist working in NASA.

That explains everything.

I never met him, so I don't know if he will be an enemy, but he got in contact with Tsukasa, if they allied we're going to be in big trouble.

If I want to gather more information, I'll need to see the negotiations, but that's impossible, Tsukasa already caught me when I was concealing my presence, And because Tsukasa is the leader he will surely be present with Xeno.

I'll go back for now, I should make contact with Senku and the others, we'll have to have a power that rivals Xeno's so that we can at least negotiate.

With that, I went back to the shelter.

"You came kind of early Ayanokouji-kun, does that mean that you found something interesting" I encountered Sakayanagi at my return.

"Something like that, more importantly, what is this," I said, I was looking at Albert, who was carrying Sakayanagi on his shoulder, she looked like that villain in a manga that I saw Sotomura holding.

(You can imagine it like some villain loli sitting, putting her right leg on the other one, on the shoulder of her giant subordinate lol. Btw It's not like I'm shipping Albert and Arisu!! don't get me wrong!!!!)

"Oh this, I kind of got along with Yamada-kun, this will help me go around the shelter at a higher pace, and control everything efficiently." She explained.

"Isn't it tiring Albert?" I asked, If he was carrying her the whole day, it will surely put some strain on him.

"NO, SHE'S RATHER LIGHT," he said in English.

"Oh,fufufu, thank you Yamada-kun" Sakayanagi said.

"Anyways, you have got some things to tell me right, let's go there" Sakayanagi said, as she pointed at a small room at the corner of the shelter.

It wasn't there the last time I was here, it only passed 10 hours since I left, and what did she do? I sighed.

"Oh, I made some changes you know, we can call ourselves some kind of organization or gathering, so we need a conference room." She explained.

"These changes are not somethings you can do in 10 hours" I facepalmed.

"Anyway, let's go," I said when I suddenly felt someone hug me from my back.

"Kei?" I turned to see Kei clinging onto my back.

"I missed you!" She yelled.

"fufufu, Karuizawa-san, we have some important things to discuss, so can you postpone your lovely flirting till next time, and in a place where you two are alone not in the middle of people," Sakayanagi said as she looked at the people who were looking at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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