Chapter 2: Senku

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don't mind the cover it's just 30% of the material that I needed to study, :)
Just felt challenged by HiyoriIsBestGirl3 lmao. 

And even then I wrote this that's why I fucked up in today's exam lol. 

My update on this and other fanfics will start from the next Wednesday. 

Btw I needed to rewatch the first 3 episodes of Dr. Stone to write this lol.

I'm kind of short in time so I didn't check the grammar of this Chapter ( as I did for the last chapter, it was kind of a mess when I read some sentences) So don't mind the grammar errors, or point them to me in the comments.

The chapter is nearly 2000 words, I decided to start making the chapters a bit longer so be grateful. 

Now enjoy :) 


Kiyotaka's pov

I was running in the direction of the roars where I caught a glimpse of two men, one of them was holding a stone statue.

They were running, and I ran a bit far from them, I wanted to observe the situation first.

"Senku what about we go revive him, the strongest guy in high school" The guy with brown hair yelled.

Revive him? did they find a way to instantly break someone out of the stone? I thought about some solutions, but I just couldn't find the material needed. I have decided to leave to another area with Kei to search for those materials but her revival took a long time.

I noticed that the guy named Senku was holding a bottle.

Is that the substance? They are going to revive the guy so-called the strongest in high school. so I'll just watch, I would interfere though if they were in danger, the information they hold is very important.

I concealed my presence, and his in the bushes.

The Senku guy threw the substance on the stone statue, and not even seconds have passed, the stone started to crack.

'the color of the substance, because it has to contain the Nitric acid, perhaps he added alcohol, this guy, he created alcohol from scratch, he's smart' I thought.

Soon after, Senku told the guy about their situation.


The guy apparently named Tsukasa, threw the remnants of the rock on the lions, and shot one of the lions with a punch in its abdomen.

he knocked it out!

that guy is strong, even though I'm confident about my physical abilities, I can't confirm that I can defeat him in a fight.

"I'll do the fighting for you guys" the Tsukasa guy.

"that's great Senku, now humanity has brains, brawns, and brute force, the three musketeers are all gathered." The guy named Taiju yelled.

"but that's not all, humanity has there is an eavesdropper too, would you mind joining us mister" the guy Tsukasa, he didn't only sense my presence while I was concealing, he knew also that I was a guy.

I had no choice but to reveal myself.

Senku's eyes widened.

"So I wasn't the only guy who undone the petrification" Senku laughed.

"Undone?" I asked showing my confusion.

"When did you break out of the stone?" Senku asked.

"a long time ago, I lost count of time" I answered, I'll have to look harmless yet useful, before trying to get some pieces of information.

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