Chapter1: Kei's revival

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Kei pov

I am now standing in front of our classmates, next to me is my boyfriend.

We decided to announce our relationship this day.

"Anoo there is something, we wanted to tell the whole class about," I said taking everyone's attention.

I hesitated for a moment because it was kind of embarrassing. But I already decided to do it, so I opened my mouth to talk. I green light came from my right, I turned, as everyone did.

Then I wasn't able to see anything, I couldn't move too. What is this? I panicked.

But then I got my cool back, I thought that this would end soon, so I just wandered in thoughts while waiting, even if it didn't end, Kiyotaka would save me like he always did.

Oh now that I think of it we were about to announce our relationship, how did I hide my embarrassment?, because I was really embarrassed, or was it all over my face.

Oh my god, if were to appear so embarrassed I would be teased by the girls next time we go out, not it would be in this lunch break.

I was lost in thought, I lost sense of time too because it really was long.

after some long time, I was able to move, I tried to stand, and some things like rock got detached from my body.

I stood up as I looked at my body.



"I'm nakeeeed!!!??" I yelled

"Whyy am I naked??"

"Oh you're awake" a boy's voice came from outside the cave.

"Kiyotaka??" I said.

"Yeah, it's me" he answered with his monotonous voice.

he entered the cave.

"Hey" he greeted me.


I yelled as I covered my body.

"Oh sorry" he said as he turned facing the other direction.

"Wait, why am I naked, did you do something to me???"

"Of course not" he answered, still with his monotonous voice.

"Then why?" I asked.

"Well it's hard to explain" he said.

"Then blurt it!! If it was so that you can do something to me, I might call the cops, even if you are my boyfriend" I said, even though I wouldn't do that I just had to say it.

Well is he wanted to do something lewd, I wouldn't reject him.

But we're in A CAVE!!, how can I think like that in this!!

"First of all, take this and wear it." He said as he threw me clothing that looked.. old., no, not old but like from a previous era or something like that.

"What is this can't you get me some good clothes, I can't wear this, you know how people will look at me, I am a gyaru you know!"

"Well you don't need to care about that, because there are no people" he said.


"Wear, and see it yourself"

I wore the clothing he gave me, and we got out of the cave.

What, it was like we're in a jungle.

"What, where are we?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, this is where the school was?"

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