Chapter 5

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Crystals P.O.V

Before I blacked out all I could think about was what I did and why. It was all her fault she made me do it to Izia. It was her, Shanieka. And then I thought about what she did what she did to me.


It was in 6th grade. I found out I was bi 2 years before and I was in love, she was beautiful. I loved her attitude, her looks, her everything. The only problem was that she was straight. She didnt love me. For all I knew she didnt even like me. She was always hanging out with my brother but were I go he gose, were he gose i go. We were inseparable. Im going to start from the... Well start

I was at my first party in 6th grade. My brother and I went to go and get a drink so I picked up a bottle and chugged it all the boys were staring at me and it got annoying so when I stopped i had to ask. "What the hells are you staring at" They just hooted at hollered. One stepped forward and said "none of us are able to drink a bottle of that shit its got whiskey, vodka, and a whole bunch of other shit. Are you ok" I felt fine except a little burn from what she drank. "Yeah I just need a water because my throat burns a little" He just smiled and grabbed a water and handed it to me, kissed my cheek, and walked off. I turned my head and saw Shanieka staring at me and felt a small blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks. She just stared and licked her lips. I went and walked over to her the whole time us keeping eye contact. When i made it to her we just stared at each other. I thought she was going to talk so i opened my mouth to speak but she leaned in grabbed my neck and kissed me. I was shocked at first but soon we were tangled making out on the couch next to us. I knew people were starting they always were. I still hadn't got it around I was bi but oh wells. I could feel her tongue giving my mouth a check up. It felt amazing, its not like i haven't been kissed before but this was extraordinary i felt like i was on top of the world. She pulled away and left me wanting more thats when i realized that relisedi had wimpered like a lost puppy wanting its mom. She chuckled and pulled me to her if that was possible an went for my neck she was nibbling, sucking, and licking. All i could feel was the heat of her breath on my neck i couldn't help but moan. Thats when i heard someone clear there throat. I turned and saw the person throwing the party with a smirk on his face. He was an 9th grader with a 6th and 8th grader brother and may i say they were all hot, like sexy hot. I pushed Shanieka away from me which sent another whimper from the bottom of my throat. And finally the guy spoke with humor in his voice "Even though you girls look really hot making out with eachother im sorry to inform you but some people would rather you go up to a bedroom if you want i can escort you into the finest room or what ever room isnt filled woth hormonal teens fucking everything they get there hands on that is classified as a homo sapien." Before i could say anything Shanieka spoke up "That would be great i think im going to have fun tonight dont you think crys?"

"Yup" The guy just laughed and said "Come this way then" He showed us to his room im guessing because it was all black and had black curtains with posters all over the place they were bands like three days grace, green day, American rejects, and other bands. I turned to look at him and said "Your a fuckin god damn these are amazing bands" He just smiled and smiled said "Why thank you you are one amazing 6th grader it looks like you have a good taste in bands, well i dont want to hold you up" and with that he was put of the door i turned to have Shanieka push me on the bed and lets just say that was an amazing night. The best i've ever had.
Sorry if this is short but i was sort of rushing i wanted to get it done im going on vacation so i wont update for about a week if anything confused you just tell me ok thank you byeeeee

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