Chapter 6

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Pic of Dylan
hope you like it
Crystals P.O.V

I felt someone peck my cheek while i opened my eyes, it felt warm and soft i knew those soft sexy lips anywhere and i was honestly scared. When my eyes opened she was right there her and all her sexiness. I asked her if she had kissed me and when she nodded I had to do it I was still in love with her I always was and always will be so i grabbed her face and just kissed her. It felt amazing to be able to that but then I got thinking
What was I doing she is dating my brother. I love him I would never hurt him I have to pull back right now.

But before i could i heard footsteps and then they were in front of us. I felt terrible the look in his eyes the tears thats were building within seconds, in her eyes there was disbelief i knew i just met paige but i felt something i didnt. Something i didnt feel for the others its now i have realized that i dont blush. I dont have feelings for those other people. I use them i fuck them and leave its messed up that shes doing this to me. I feel so fucked up what is happening noone has ever been this close except for Shanieka thats the only person thats it noone else. It was also then at that moment i royally fucked up my twins relationship.

My brother just ran up stairs he may be built and looked strong but i knew he was broken he didnt know about our relationship i hide it because we were both in love with her and it would fuck everything up i didnt want that. But as seeing i didnt have a choice in the matter there was no point in hiding it anymore.

I sat up with Shanieka still straddling me i gently pushed her off seeing as she was more then 5 inches taller than me. And i walked to my brothers room not even paying attention to paige i didnt need the shitty girl drama right now. I knocked on his door and heard glass being broken i kicked the door over and over until i beoke through. He looked up and feel to the geoubd looking tired. "Why" was all he said for me to brake down

"Chris look at me" he looked up meeting my gaze "im so sorry i have alot to tell you about what happened 6th grade and i have to tell you now" he nodded got up and sat on the bed patting the space next to him but instead i sat in his comfy computer chair i was scared what he would do when i told him and he knew so he nodded again. And i told him about 6th grade year what went down and how much i loved her and didnt want to hurt his feelings, because i knew he loved her just as much. By the end he was balling in tears I felt so bad. He knows I love him and I didn't want to hurt him but when i went to hug and comfort him he told me exactly "NO YOU SLEPT WITH HER AND YOU DIDMT SAY ANYTHING! WHY?! I GET YOU DIDNT WANT TO HURT ME BUT SERIOUSLY YOU KNEW MY FEELINGS AND DIDN'T SAY SHIT ITS YOUR FAULT YOU DONT HAVE HER BUT I SAID ME FEELINGS AND SHES MINE ALL MINE AND YOU DARE TRY TO TAKE THAT AWAY FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU SLEEP GOOD AT NIGHT KNOWIMG THAT I ME MAUHH GETS TO FUCK HER EVERY NIGHT AND YOU GET NOTHING YOU FUCKING BITCH ASS HOE!" I knew he didnt mean it but it still hurt so i turned and walked out of the room i didnt shed a tear till the door shut. Shanieka was standing outside the door and she was looking at her feet.

She started whispering "If its any consolation i dont love him i dont even like him i love you always have always" i looked at her in disbelief. What the fuck! How dare she do this to him its fucked up.

"No its not a consolation you fucking used him thats wrong he may have yelled at me and called me names but he dosnt mean that he loves me you are a bitch ass player and should put away. How dare are you fucking use him get out of my damn house."

With that she looked up her eyes filled with unshed tears and she left. I turned to go in my room with fatigue taking over and there she stood. Why is god punishing me? Now i have to explain to Paige whats going on.

But before i could she said "you dont have to explain i heard and you dont owe me an explanation.  This is your life i hope you get your shit straight and if you need a booty call or someone to talk to call me" and with that she left my house.

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