Chapter 4

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Christans P.O.V

I was upstairs with Shanieka having my little fun time when i heard footsteps i knew it was my sisters so i just told Shaniek to be quite and she screamed and moaned louder which got me pist so i got up and when to the bathroom while she wined for me to come back to bed. I came out after using it and heard the door so i looked out of my room and saw it was the new girl she is pretty hot. I was worried my sister would do something with her that she would regret, but she was a big girl and needed to learn from her mistakes you would think she would learn from all the others.

Shanieka came up to my back and rubbed my abs for my age i am pretty ripped seeing as im in football, baseball, track, and basketball. I was staring to get made all my girlfriend wants is sex and sometime i dont want to give it, but i love her and she'll get mad so i got back in bed i heard two sets of footsteps and knew who it was.

I heard them go back down stairs 10 min later by this time we both climaxed and she waz begging for another round.

I heard another knock now how the hell is that so i got up opened the door and saw none other than Izia herself. I was worried she hasnt came to our door in 9 months and all of a sudden shes here this cant be good. I went back to get clothes on and walked to the stair case just in time to see her collapse on the floor i ran down and picked her up and brought ber on the leather sofa.

"Paige can you get some water from in the kitchen please." She nodded and went to do what i said while i looked back to see Izia smiling like she accomplished something "IZIA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU TOLD US NEBER TALK TO YOU SO WHY ARE YOU HERE. WE HAVNT SAID SHIT." She looked at me in the eye and turned and left. That bitch is trouble. I felt my sister move alittle and then tears were rolling down her eyes will she groaned. I bet it was from falling on the floor. "Shanieka" She came out from the kitchen with Paige and the glass of water. I guess they were to scared to come out so I told her to watch my sister while me and Paige went to talk.

Once we walked out of the house onto the back porch/ pool deck I had to ask. "What the hell happened in there". She seemed hesitant before answering

"Well I really like Crystal so I came over to talk but when we got up sairs she was so pretty I asked if we could kiss and so of course we did but we broke it and went down stairs to get something to drink. But before we could there was a knock at the door she opened it and a really hot chick stood there until Crystals eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell thats when you came down.". After she got done explaining I wanted to have a heart to heart conversation, meaning i wanted to warn her about nit hurting ny sister and that my sister might hurt her and let her ask some questions she might have about anything.

I feel this chapters to small so im going to keep goin ----------------------

Shaniekas P.O.V

When my 'boyfriend' went outside i got to sit with the person i love the most in this world and talk to her in her sleep of course. She kept squirming either having a nightmare about the shit I did to her or that bitch im going to kill later. I wish I could take back all those things i told her when we first hung out she was so innocent then that was 4 years ago i missed the old her. She was shy and wasnt like what she was now me and her both I wasnt so sluty. I hate myself for what i did to her if Christian knew he would totally dump me and never let me near my love again. I am only dating this guy for the sex and to see my love. I love her so much words could not explain. She is everything to me and when I saw her pass out I almost ran to catch her but Christian did so I stayed put. I wish i could tell her the truth about why i hurt her so bad, but you think after 4 years she would stop being stubborn i have tried on many accusations to get her to talk to me but she'll either run off about to cry or she'll curse me out and threaten to tell Christian why she wont talk to me she'll tell him to leave it alone or say i jusy hate her. It hurts me it alays has and it always will. Then she started moaning. Well that cant be... "Shanieka" well maybe it can i could could feel a smirk pulling across my face i bent down and pecked her cheeks and pulled back. What was i doing i can do this even if i dont like Chris like that he is good to me and i need to treat him well. Her eyes started fluttering open and she started at me and said "Did you just k...kkkiss me?". I nooded and she pulled my face down and we kissed furiously. I was so happy she kissed me she is kisssing my. I climbed to shratle her and licked her bottom lip for access. She allowed and I swear i could taste her uvela it was intense until i heard footsteps stop that i didnt know was there. I looked up to see the two people i didn't want to see. Chris and that new chick. Cris had tears building up in his eyes and the girl just stared in disbelief.

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