Chapter 11

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Crystals P.O.V

When I made it to Dylans I ran to his basment with my bags and hide in the room. Shaking.

"Babes your scarying me what's up."

I calmed down a lil and just layed down.

"Hey you got a safe place i can go I dont know or Chris or anyone really knows about?"

"Yeah you can stay with GummyBear. Shes got a new place and she wont tell anyone were and Chris dosnt know her that I know of. Why are you running and why are you hiding from Chris?"

"Thanks Ill message her and he's sick mentally, he has been for years, but its getting worse and I cant take the beatings anymore. My body is quitting and he's just not the person you know. We wont be able to talk for a couple days and dont tell the boys you've seen me. you know Parker wouldn't handle Chris he loves him to much." He just looked shocked and then agreed.

"If you say so and just know Ill always be here for you and I love you. You can sleep in the usaul room night I'll see you tomorrow before school oyu get a hold of GummyBear im sure she'll allow you to stay"

"Aight see you later nights babe" I reached up on my tiptoes to reach his face and pecked his lips like I always do.

I turned and went to my 'bedroom'. Since Dylan lives by himself and was the second richest in town (i am the first) he bought a house for all of us to share when we get to wasted to go home.

I walked up the steps to my room and laid down on the bed and passed out.

Chris P.O.V
Were the fuck is she shes not here.

I threw another lamp and smashed the wall with my fists. Im going to murder her the next time I see here slowly and painfully

Crystals P.O.V

When I woke up the next moring with a full nights rest i havnt had since I last stayed over here. At my house i never get to have a good nights rest.

Anyway...  I stood up and walked to the kitchen but not before screeching in pain. Chris did a number on me it hurt all over. Walking into the hall I smelt bacon and eggs with pancakes and butter sending me to the kitchen.

When I walked in there lay everything I smelt 2 plates were sitting at the table but one was occupied by a evil monster devouring it....


(Hahaha got you goin there tehe)

Imhe looked up with the fork almost to his mouth the slowly and carefully put the fork down and closed his mouth that was still open.

" Babes have you looked in the mirror" What was he talking about

I gave him a confused look and turned gasping at what i saw... I had both black eyes and cuts going all down the sides of my neck and lirtle cuts on my face, i had a busted lip and my nose was swollen as well. Why do i have a crappy brother.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called up GummyBear

"Hola? (Hello)" (Did I forget to say shes Mexican well she is)

"Heys Gummys you got a place i can hide out in"

" No lo sé (I dont know) why you hiding out?" she said suspiciously

"You'll see when we meet up but just trust me okay? And dont tell Chris or the guys.  Actually dont tell anyone it's not safe okay?" she took a minute before awnsering

"Okay i guess so meet me at the spot and i'll take you too a new place no ones seen"

"Aight thanks see you at 12?"

"Yeah adiós "

" adiós" (AN Crystal knows spanish but isnt)

I hung up and sat down to eat

Dyl gave me a questioning look before saying

"Ill drive you get your stuff out of your car ALL of it and put it in mine and well go watch a car blow up"


An hour later

I ducked out of the way with a line of curses leaving my mouth. Dyl ducked and fell on the ground i swear that guy cant do shit without falling.

We got in the car wothout another word and he drove me to the spot

GummyBear got out of her car with her long legs but short fragile skinny body and long brown hair that fell down to the middle of her back. She had a pink and black crop top and black botty shorts with her long stripper heeled boots. I swear if she wasnt my drug dealer i would tots fuck her shitless shes bi and all but she knows people amd i dont want to get fucked up.

She looked at my face and teared up pulling me into a hug.

"oh miel puede quedarse tanto tiempo como desee

Bebé que te hizo esto lo que sucedió ( oh honey you can stay as long as you like Baby who did this to you what happened)" She had tears streaming down her face

I gave her a comforting squeeze

" Im bien Sólo necesito un lugar para esconderse estancia iNAND saff por un poco ( Im all right I just need a place to hide out inand stay saff for a little)" she pulled back and looked me up and down again.

" Oh, Dios mío acaba de obtener su materia se interponga en los theres prisa coche hay tiempo que perder ( oh my god just get your stuff get in the car hurry theres no time to waste)"

So I got my stuff with the help of Dyl and he just chuckled lightly at how Rose was acting.

I got in the car and we drove off i looked in the back mirror to see dyl looking at us with tears in his eyes and a sad smile. I knew just like him we wouldnt be seeing eachother in a while.

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