.Chapter 8

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THIS IS A WARNING FOR ALL THOSE WHO HATE SEX SCENCE AND\OR VIOLENCE THEN WAIT TILL YOU SEE °°°°°°°°° Thank you for understanding, and if you don't read no worries it dosnt change the story I just wanted to try it out. And give you a taste of how crazy crys is and how her brain works. >_<


"don't worry you use those on me but it can go the other way if you want." His frown turned into an evil smirk and I knew I was in for hell tonight.


I have been sitting here for 6 minutes for him to think of what we are going to do. Yeah maybe this want a good idea. He has ruined the mood. It was getting annoying at least he's got I wouldn't do what im about to do right now of not.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed and then relaxed. "Hey what you want to do to me" "umm..... Idk.... " ugh this is annoying me. Like damn all I wanted to do was get laid and now I have to work for it.

I put my fingers between him and his pants and boxes. I started to slowly pull it down and when it was to his knees I kissed from his calf to his thigh, turned him around and kissed his tip he moaned slightly trying to cover it with a grunt. Because he took so long his erection went down. It was down all the way but slightly I don't have a gag reflex so I took him hold in my mouth all the way to his base.

"Oh fuck shit!" He gripped my hair. Now I love extreme sex but that kinda hurt so I didn't move he looked down. "What's wrong" I gently bit down making him wince. And I took his member out of my mouth.

"Ok look I love extreme sex, hell I love waking up in pain because of it but I hate being pulled you are a bad boy." I pushed him down on the couch he looked up with glee in his eyes. Awww he dosnt know what coming dose he. I grabbed the remote out of my pocket and posed the button.

The couches arms went down and the back went down. I pressed another button and the table next to it coming up. It had handcuffs and chains with a whip also. He looked terrified and then I noticed the ball gag. I forgot that was there. I climbed in top of him and grabbed the hand cuffs. I stayed grinding on him and he grabbed the back of my head with one hand and grabbed my right cheek with his other squeezing it and pushing it to help rubb his member. Glad i still got my jacket and underwear on, more like thongs but oh well.

I still had the hand cuffs so with some moves I've picked up I turned swiftly and in the process cuffed both his hands grasped the chains and tied him to the table the couch became. He gasped. "Pppplease iiiii ppppppicked what iiii want tttto do." Stupid prik

I leaned down to his ear "Im sorry someone took to long now let's see... you have and ok length." I said examining him "This will be really fun... well for me it will."

I got up to my knees and positioned myself on his length to my but and plopped down making him pull on his restraints and moan loudly. I grabbed the whip time for fun.



By now he's just laying there with tears forming in his eyes what a big baby

"Pay attention no missing, talking, or anything unless I tell you soo you took to long now you get punished."

He just staired at me with wide eyes.

"What do you say to your master now"

"Yyeeesssss" he stuttered

"Yes what"

"Yyyyeeeees mmmmasterr"

"Good boy. Know shut up and let me ride you. But first " I grabbed the remote and turned on BVBs lost it all on full blast. Thank got this is sound proff. "Oh shit" I forgot the liquor. I got off of him with a little tingle in my ads. What ever I've been through worse.

I got the vodka and whiskey, my two favorites, and went back to the bitch that was whimpering. And again such a big baby. Then I saw the precum, awww he wants to let out. I grabbed my small knife just incase he dosnt behave.

"Ok I got whiskey and vodka which do you like?"

"Whiskey please master, vodka burns to much."

Yeah he gave me his weakness. "Aww you called me master ok I was gonna torcher you with vodka but I guess I won't.... for now" I got in front of him and bent down licking the precum from his mouth. Bitter im not going to lie.

I took a long swig of vodka and let it burn down my throat. I un did the wiskey and put it up to his mouth after some feel out of his mouth i bent down and licked it. He released a moan. Ill let hin got on that one.

I bent down to to whisper in his ear "I want to hear you moan my name, be as loud as you can" with that a positioned my self and sat on his member with a load slap it wasn't hard to adjust. I rocked my hips back and forth and ride him. The whole time he held in moans and whimpers. Bad boy .

I picked up the knife and sliced a small but deep cut near his ear. "Awww fuckkkkk" if only he knew this was the beginning. I grasped the vodka and should some one the cut while he cried on pain I poured some in his mouth making him come and sputter.

"STUPID FUVK SWOLLOW THE DAMN SHIT." he obeyed and passed out from the pain. That didn't stop me though I began riding him again 10 minutes later I was on the edge and arched my back in pure ecstasy and cumed on the man cuffed and chained under me and to mention asleep.
°°°°°°°°°°[[sex SCENCE ended here °°°°°

I got off of him and cleaned myself of and left him there still chained and cuffed and asleep. I got on the bed to lie down. I hit startled hearing clapping.

I turned around and saw Chris standing there clapping with a smirk on his face.

"Wow... just wow who knew you could be so kinky. Oh yeah I could OK I told you not to get laid so you fuck our mom's hoe. Damn you like disobeying me. " Oh shit the old Chris is back I stood up quickly and ran to my escape hatch.Yeah I know chilé right. But before I could get there I felt the seering pain I havnt felt in a couple years.

The hot sizzling fire burning into my skim I turned my head to see him holding the bow in his hands. Oh shit I'm going to die tonight arnt I?

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