Chapter 15

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I walked up to the bus and opened the door right away I had someone grab my arm. I was thinking who could this be, I was freaking out inside. I just calmly turned around and saw Jinxx. Wow I thought he is really good looking in person.

I smirked at him and said "Well hello there"

He smiled and said "Whats your name beautiful?"


"Well that is a lovely name. Do you want to get a drink and dance?"

"That would be amazing thank you"

We went over to a table filled with alcohol. It looked beautiful, I think a tear escaped, figuratively speaking. He looked at me and smiled "You must love drinking your eyes are sparkling"

"Well yeah I like drinking" What was I supposed to say.

"Well what would you like? They have cranberry vodka"

"That is such a chick drink." He gave me a surprised look and his eyes a little wider. "Let me show you how you really drink" I grabbed a red solo cup and poured vodka, mixed with whiskey, bourbon, and gin. His eyes got wider and his mouth fell open. I put the cup up to my lips a chugged it. When I put it down on the table filling the burn go down my throat, he looked like he just saw my head morphed into 3 heads and I grew a tail.

Then he smiled and said "I think I like you alot more."

I smiled and grabbed his hand and we went to were they moved the couches out of the way for people that wanted to dance and we danced to the song playing it seemed to be a song by Pierce The Veil I couldn't place a name to the song because of the loudness of everything around me and the liquor I just drank. Now trust I am no light head but I still had a headache from crying and it just made my head more cloudier and the pain start to stop aching.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and I started moving my hips to the beat. I felt his head on my left. His left arm left my waist and he grabbed my chin and pulled it towards his and we started kissing. It started to get heated so I turned around and put my arms around his neck still dancing to the music. He pulled me closer to him. I felt his hands go lower but before he got to do what he wanted I was pulled away.

"What are you doing out of the fucking bus." Damn it. It was Andy.

"Your not my dad and your definitely not my boss" He looked really angry

He came lower and whispered in my ear " I know who you are and I will call your parents if you don't come with me to my bus." Great

I nodded grimly and I guess Jinxx saw because he said "Yoh man you cant come up to us and grab her out of my arms and take her if she doesn't want to."

I looked at him and shook my head "No its okay." and then I added "By the way I'm 16" He looked at me with wide eyes again, his mouth agape.

"Oh.... Ummmm—- yeah man, Andy, I think you should take he." then he just had to add "Oh yeah and I may have or may not have gave her alcohol." He then turned and walked away. Andy looked at me and shook his head. Then gripped my arm so I couldn't get away and pulled me too his bus.

"Okay you have some major explaining to do."

I nodded again. And explained that I just wanted a change in scenery so I decided to leave which was a lie. "Then why is there a bounty for 100,000 dollars for you?"

"Cause nobody wanted me to leave and I needed to get away."

"Stop lying you need to start telling the truth before I call the person and they come and get you."

"Ughhh. Why cant you mind your own business?"

"Because you are a very interesting person."

"Fine." Then I told him everything from when I was five till now. Leaving out my plan to die.

He looked really sad and sympathetic. "Wow" was all he said.

We just sat there then he looked back up at me. "So your bi?"


"Okay, well today has been a rough night we should go to bed"


He got up and grabbed my hand pulling me into the room in the back. He took off his shirt and pants leaving him in boxers. He then walked over to his closet and pulled put a shirt handing it to me "here this should fit you put this on"

I took off my shirt and he turned around quick. I just chuckled and took off my pants putting the shirt on. "Okay little baby turn around"

He turned and looked at me raking his eyes over my body. I just smirked at him. When his eyes met mine he cleared his throat and wispered "you look nice"

I just chuckled softly. I got in his bed and pulled the covers up to my neck and started to pull the shirt off. I guess he didnt realize what I was doing because he said Ill be right back and left. I threw the shirt off and turned to where my back was against the wall and I was facing where he'd be sleeping.

He walked in and slipped beneath the covers. I could tell he brushed his teeth because I smelt the mint. Then I remembered my breath strips I keep in my bra and I still had it on. I pulled a breath strip out and put it on my tounge. I took off my bra and threw it when he turned around. "I think you forgot to turn off the light" i said

He just nodded and got out of bed I wonder why he hasnt said anything but I just shrugged it off. Turned around and drifted off to sleep.

Ight people Ima end it here soon you'll meet Mr.Ronnie Radke and let's say he's not as innocent as Andy ;)

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