Chapter 12

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Vivian didn't like that Rose had stripper heels and that she had been speaking Spanish so i guess no more of that. Well here you go.

When me and Rose made it to the hide out. Which wasnt really a hide out at all just a big mansion in the woods right outside of town. It wasnt as big as my houe but it was pretty damn big. I went and got out of the car my muscles cramping up with all the unreleased pressure. I grabbed my bags not caring about the pain all over my body.

Rose just looked at me said and it killed me that she had to see all through this shit thats happening to me. I didn't even notice that I was crying until she took my face in her hands, her small boney fingers and took to tears away with the bottom of her thumbs. She looked at me in the eyes, which was funny since I was like 5'8 and she was 5'1. I looked down and she smiled up at me

"your going to tell me whats going on when we get you settled in the house"

"yes i know dont worry i will"

She just smiled and walked off into the house 'strutting her stuff' I swear she is so damn hot. I unconsciously bit my lip, and started day dreaming. About what I'd do to her and how I'd do it.

"Hey what you thinkin about" ai looked down and saw her starting at me.

"You" I wispered so low I bet she couldn't he..

"WHAT" Never mind

"Too toot" I turned and ran out the back door. And dropped on the steps of the back porch.

She came out and sat next to me

"Do you like me"wow someone feels straight forward

"Ummm.  Your hot an all but I would never do anything with cause I would hurt you and then your people would beat the living shit out of me if I hurt you so I dont want to persue anything with you" she just looked at me with her big round brown orbs stairing into my soul. She got up and walked away with out another word. I felt kinda bad that I came out all straight forward like that but hey it had to be done, she had to know.

I walked in  the house and she was sitting on the couch with her legs behind her. "umm.... Where am I sleeping?" 

She just looked up at me and gave me a blank stare "Upstairs all the way down the hall to the left" 

I thanked her and walked up to the room put my stuff on the bed and started unpacking. When I was done I went downstairs and saw her sitting in the same position staring off in to space. I started feeling like I was weighing like a really heavy weight and I started sweating. Thats when i remembered that I havnt done anything since Monday which was like a week ago. I needed something and quick I cant stand this anymore.

I walked up to her "Gummy I know I'm already asking for alot but can i have some beer or drugs"

"Welll. All i have is rum and i haven't opened it i got it from a party i never was a fan for drinking" she said all this without looking into my eyes.

I nodded and grabbed the rumm chugging it down suddenly everything was dizzy and happy.

Nexr day

I woke up with a pounding head ache and Rose naked laying next to me in the bed

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