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He looked at me as if I had lost my mind and stolen his.

He frowned. I didn't think he liked how I called him an asshole. Well tough, considering I don't like how he called me a slut.

He sighed and leaned to take the apple juice and brought it to my lips. I glared at him.

"What do-"

"Drink" he commanded in a tone that screamed don't mess with me. I glared at him.

He took the glass and brought the rim closer to my lips. As if I was some sought of a baby he was got me to drink the apple juice. I tried to hold the cup myself but he didn't let go of the glass.

I just groaned and gave up. Letting him pour the drink into my mouth.

I drank the whole thing and then he put the glass down, while I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth. The apple juice calmed me down a bit. But fuxk him if he thought I was going to let him off. No one calls me a slut. I haven't even had sex yet... at least as I can remember. I was going to tell him off.

When I looked at him, he was looking right at me. His stare was filled with so much adoration. The cold look he has gone. It was as if he has opened the window to his soul.

He looked like he was in pain and he didn't even know it. The confusion he has in his eyes made me sad.

Without knowing I cupped his cheek with my palm while my other hand rested on his chest.

"I have so much I wish I could say" he whispered. "But you will only be more confused" he sighed and leaned his forehead on mine. I felt my heart beating.

" I am a very powerful figure in the underworld and I'm always in danger. My lifestyle is very dangerous. You could say I'm the supreme leader of the darkest part of the underworld. There is an organization of people who make sure there is a balance between the good and bad. To make sure our country wouldn't go into war. This secret organization is only recognized by the main actors in the business world, underworld, and the government. This society makes sure all the sections are controlled and chaos is not started. I am the leader of the organization" he started explaining with his eyes closed. " my real name is Damien. But not that many people know me as Damien. I go by many names to keep my identity hidden. That is why that old man, Mr. Roger, called Ascian. The society gathered today at this party. They might look very innocent, righteous people, that shows the world they are good virtuous people but they aren't like that, there might be some good people but it'd rare."

He sighed again. And then chuckled sarcastically.

"I can't say the same as I'm worse than any of them." He then looked at me, again with that look, " Rosa, some of these people are horrible. Before coming for an event like this they do background checks on everyone who attends parties like this. If they see someone interesting who they don't know, they... they do horrible things to them"

His hand tightened on my waist.

"It's why I got mad when you came to the party. If they dig some information on you, so much could go wrong. You who could easily disappear. My men got information that some basterds who was going to kidnap you. It's why I danced with you in front of all of them. To show them that you are under my protection"

I started shaking a bit. He realized this and rubbed my waist up and down.

"Please don't, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Why would I be any interest to anyone?" I asked him shakily.

"Rosa... You..." he looked hurt now. Like he was stuck on what to say, "you might not remember but you are very important to me. If they trace you back to me, they will use you to get back at me. Today at the party the idiots who wanted you were interested in your beauty, but they and the others would want to know who you are. After all, you did not come with just anyone you came with that boy Matt Tondersons. People are very interested in the Tondersons business. Not only that Matt's father is a scum. He..." Damien paused. He didn't seem like he wanted to say anymore.

Damien was right, what he said confused me more. Why is Matt's dad a scum? The old man was so sweet to me.

"Let's forget about that" Damien snapped me out of my train of confusion quickly. "All you need to know is that you mean everything to me and the world would do anything to hurt me."

"You said you were dangerous..." I brought up. This bugged me so I just asked. "How dangerous are you?...."

The looked he gave me this time have me chills. The dangerous glint in his eyes as he thought of all the horrible things he did make me anxious.

He took his index finger and Brough it to my face softly caressing my cheek. With the soft touch, dangerous glint in his eyes, goose bumps rose on my skin.

"To you sweet Rose I'm harmless. But to others, I am as dangerous as anyone. Since I deal with not normal people, but powerful figureheads who lead our society and keeping them in check I have to be ruthless. I have to be at my worst because these people are the worst. They are people who deal with human trafficking, pedophiles, sadist, the worst type of people. To teach them a lesson me and my organization have to be even worse.  To the world I am Merciless"

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