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The two girls blindly followed the young and old asian males into their small apartment out of shock, panick and sheer curiosity.

The young boy was brewing the tea while the old man sat in front of the two girls who shared a love seat together. Rebecca was still panicking, while Rosalie was trying to calm herself and her friend down. The old man was fidgety.

"You said the police wouldnt care... what do you mean?" Rosalie asked the man suddenly still rubbing Rebeccas back.

"Child.... listen to me and listen well. Im doing this to help you both. What ever i tell you please keep it as a warning snd dont go spreading it around. Dont even tell anyone you heard it from me. This will get you and who ever you spread to in danger." The old man warned.

I nodded my heas not still properly understanding what was going on.

"That Club you casually walked into is owned by one of the most powerful men" he started. " he is said to be some sort of politician, or mob boss, we dont even know properly. The people who live nearby know not even walk near that area. Of course its just a club but its still owned by this man. "

"I heard people call him the devil even" the young boy entered the room with a tray. While he served the tea the old dude continued.

"What do you mean" Beccas voiced her thoughts out. I was still freaked out with what i saw the tea cup i took was shaking.

"You see child there are gangs and mobs in this world yes? Well 7 odd years ago there was a powerful mob. But soon the leader changed."

"Apparently this dude killed the boss then and took over tye business and he bacame powerful" the boy said.

"Aye Hakim " the old man snapped.

"What does this have to do with we saw today" i asked drinking my tea.

"Were you not listening" the boy snapped. " that powerful man owns the club. "

"Oi Hakim! Go and do your work and stay out of this!" The old man rumbled.

"Urg whatever. They gonna het caught" the boy walked away.

"Listen to me  girls. Hakim is right. This man participates in illegal activities. He is very dangerous. You and anyone you know woulf be danger if you cross him. I know you want to save the man you saw. But he night already be finished. This man is dangerous. Its like he owns the police, cuz they no care about his activities. Some years ago a family dissapeared after calling the police on them. The police didnt even bother. Anyone who crosses him dissapear. He is powerful. Just stay away from that place. People go there for thr club. It is good business, not just legally but also illegally. I warn you about this because my son... " the old man chocked on his words. " i dont want anything bad happening to you two. If they did not see you its good. Just leave it like that"

The old man ended.

" what is this mans name?" I asked.

" people arounf here call him Mr. D" The old man replied. "They say his more powerful than the presidant. He usually doesn't come this side but when he does its no good"

The man checked the time and got up, " you two must leave now. Its getting late you dont want to be here when night time comes. These streets are filled with bad people."

With that the girls were rushed out of the apartment.

One of the girls still was not sure whether to beleive the old man or what. She felt like she had to try to save that mans life.

The two girls took a cab home wanting to be as far away from the club. And thr whole incident.


In the club NOVA the spacial cleaners was cleaning the blood on the floor before the club was opened for the night when they found a bouquet of flowers on the floor and a basket of muffins on the bar counter.

As they reported this and the heas security of the club went through the security cameras which was stationed in all over the area he noticed where thr gifts were from and who was holding the flowers.

He immediately called his boss Josh  and reported it. Even if he was the head security they didnt have the actual bosses number, Josh reported it to his boss.

"Damien!?" He knocked on the home office door of Damiens.

"What is it?!" He snapped.

Josh walked in and told Damien what his men found out.

"Lil Rose was always the beacon for trouble" Damien sighed as he looked at the video where she and her friend came to the club with the gifts and just waltzed in the club and witnessed the gruesome events.

"Also they were spotted talking to an old man after this incident"  Josh reported.

"Hmm" Damien was still thinking about his Rose trying to find him. Lookin at the video of his Rose  he felt something stir in him. Rose was wearing jeans, and this plain shirt. But damn it looked so good.

"Question the man, bring the flowers and muffins here. " Damien stated ans startes walking out.

" yes sir" josh replied obediently. " If i may ask... where are you off to?" Josh asked cautiously.

"Rose is searching for me" Damien stated.

"Im going to help her find me"

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