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"We will first stop somewhere to eat first and I will try to explain everything." This shut me up and bought me some sort of satisfaction. I sat up for this. Finally some answers.

"then afterwards I am taking you home with me where you will be staying from now onwards or like before you will stay under my watch and my protection, where I can take care of you"

Wait what?!

End Recap

Rosalie was glaring at Damien. After his whole speech he told the driver a restaurant to go to called 'Fredies'. Rosalie tried to talk to him but he ignored her. He didnt budge. She wanted get off the vehicle and he just glared at her as if asking her to behave. When she threatened to open the door and jump off all he still ignored her and rubbed her back as if he was petting a dog. He then leaned his head into a chair and closed his eyes a bit. Rosalie got so angry she tried to get away from him but he just kept her on his lap with his hard grip. She tried to open his side of the door to jump off but the door didn't open. She tried to open the window to scream for help but the window didn't open.

She felt like slapping Damien. When she questioned him all he said was,

"I told you I would tell you everything after you eat something, til then relax"

She wanted to slap him all right..

Finally when they came to their destination someone opened the door for them and Rosalies moth hung open while Damien smoothly helped her out of the vehicle and his lap while locking his hand on her hand just in case she runs. He then dragged her into a fancy looking restaurant called Fredies and settled in a VIP room. All while she glared at him.

Finally when they were in, he ordered for her and just sat there staring at her while she tried to kill him with her eyes.

"I am not living with you" she snapped.

A corner of his lip twitched upwards.

"Oh?" He taunted.

"I don't even know you!" She snapped.

"Hm" is all he hummed looking at her amused.


"Welcome to Freddies good guests" a jolly old man's voice sang cutting Rosalie off. Snapping the attention of Rosalie who was surprised and Damien who lazily turned his head to look at the man who intruded their conversation. Damine already knew he was going to come in to the private room. With Damien profession he had learnt to listen and be more aware of his surroundings. He didnt know when an assassin or something of that sort would attack him.

" it is very nice to have you here good guests. My name is Frederick. I am the owner and head chef of the place" fredrick announced with a pleasant smile and enthusiastic voice.

Damien shifted his eyes to Rosalie to see her reaction and her reaction pleased him a bit.

Rosalie stared at Frederick as if she has seen a ghost. Her eyes were wide with a child like wonder.

She recognised him. For her it was like a dejavu moment. Memories of a 41 year old Frederick serving her and a boy food flooded into her memory. He also made a few jokes about how they stinked so they should take bath and wear some fresh clothes after eating. This memory shut her up.

Frederick clearly realised . He looked at her and gave her a warm smile that touched her heart. Rosalie snapped out of it and started talking to you Frederick cheerfully. She remembered what he did for her and she didn't know how to say that she lost her memories so she spoke about the charming restaurant and the business.

Frederick who remembered the small brat and the sweet girl who he used to feed and give clothes to, felt like it was them but an older version and he didn't want to bring it up just in case he was wrong. He didnt want to insult the couple and he didn't want to get his hopes up just to get his hopes down and feel worried and sad that he did not meet the poor kids. He always thought of them.

Damien watched the two talking to each other and he just stared at the place.

Damien looked at the interior design and he was impressed. He used to help Frederick when he was 14, in the kitchen. He didnt know Frederick was the owner at that time but he loved the work Damien gave him to do.

"Well mister. you have a beautiful girlfriend. A very lucky man indeed." Frederick started talking to Damien, getting Damiens attention and making Rosalie blush furiously. she looked down.

Damien replied to him pleased with what he heard, "thank you Fred" before Rosalie could protest. Damien didn't let her speak he ordered for both of them and Frederick then left.

Damien just stared at Rosalie as she glared at him.

For Damien, he couldn't believe how much Rosalie and him has grown. He was feeling nostalgic with all the past events they both went through. He wished she remembered, she would have been more happier if she remembered.

"You know if you had your memories, you would be more greatful" Damine grimly stated.

"If I had my memories I would be so confused and frustrated " Rosalie glared at him. "You know this is kidnap right?"

He just smirked at her stubbornness.

"If you remembered you would have been so angry with me for not kidnapping you earlier than this then" he told her leaning into his chair trying to relax as he observed at her.

Her pussy throbbed as he looked so handsome with the smallest body movement. She swallowed as she looked as his biceps that was bulging out.

Damine took one look at her and read her like an open book. He didnt have to put any effort he can see the from her body language, her cheeks and the tip of her ears were flushed red, her legs were clenched shut, she was squirming in her seat uncomfortably. This pleased him very much and he cleared his throat to snap her out of it in a mocking way.

She finally got up her seat saying, "Excuse me I need to use the washroom."

This only make Damine smirk when she rushed out of the private room. He knew there could only be two things that would happen in the bathroom. Either she was going to fuck herself...


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