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I woke up in the middle of the nijght with a heavy head and a very unlady like groan. It was super dark.

What the banana heck happened?

"Owww" I groaned as my sore muscles started paining when I tried to move. I felt so thirsty my throat felt like sand paper and mud together. Its not a good feeling I tell you.

So I stretched like a cat and I felt so satisfied to hear the cracks around my body. Getting up from my bed i felt very really weird. Maybe i just needed that drink and since I realized it was still the middle of  the night so I decided to have a snack.

I opened my door and from thr corner of my eyes I saw the lights in the apartment all on. Huh funny. Why didnt  anyone sleep, dont they have lectures tomorrow? I even heard a few people soflty talking. Ignoring all of them becuase i just woke up and not feeling that good for some reason i walked straight to the fridge. In the corner of my eyes I saw 3 figures sitting near the tv. What are those girls upto now? The light was too bright i squinted my eyes.

"Umm Os.. i mean Rosalie" I heard jessicas voice call, while I walked towards the fridge.

I put up a finger that meant to gimme a second, i didnt wsnt to look at them, cuz it was soo bright. Why are the lights to high. I wanted to talk to them but my mouth felt so dry. I need some water. I really need some water. Opening th3 fridge i realized I had some juice in a carton. So i took it and drank it from the carton itself. Hey it was my juice! I have all the right to drink like this. 

"Omg Rosalie" jenna sounded shocked.

"Gimme some time to wake up... i feel like a bus just ran over me" I managed to say.

"What the hell happened before i slept..  I cant remember a thing" i said while taking anothet sip from the carton.

"Rosalie... could you please turn around, we have a-"

"Wait gimme a minute. I feel like all weird" i grumbled, taking another gulp from the carton.

I put the carton inside the fridge and walked towrds the cabinet to take a glass and drink some water. The juice was great, but i still felt like drinking water too.

As I turned around the glass i was holding fell down. My eyes widened as I realized who was sitting with my friends.

It was him.

"What is he-" I was about to ask but I silenced myself as the memories came to my mind like a tsunami.

"Rosalie he was here since 6 pm. And you fainted remember" Jessica reminded me.

"Osie? Are you okay?" Jenna asked me as she got up and came towards me.

They were talking but I heard them from far.  My head started hurting.

"Ah shit the glass" Jenna cursed and bent to pick the glass up. I too bent down and started helping her with an emty yet heavy mind.

"Well that is not like our Rosalie." Jessica laughed nervously bending down to help too. "She is usually not that clumsy"

Jenna nudged at me, as if to tell me to snap out of it and gave me this look.

I looked at the man in our living room who was staring at me with this look in his eyes.

"Osie... why dont you go and entertain our guest, we shall clean this up, he has been waiting for you" Jessica sweetly said. I dont know what my friends think about this guy, I mean according to the asian dude and his grandson, this guy was the devil-

Wait what.

You know how you wake up sometimes and you cant remember the events of the previous night, and suddenly you remember then at one point and you go into shock. Yeah that happened precisely at this moments.

And just like that... like a wrecking ball hitting my head, my memories from yesterday came rushing, waking me from my sleepy state. I froze with that load of information. I looked at the man sitting in my favorite sofa, comfortably staring at us with this amused look in his eyes.

"Anyways Jenna and me are going to bed, hope you guys catch up" jessica said while dragging jenna behind her, leaving me with the devil.

What was he even doing here? Why did they let him inside? Last night I remember jenna and jessica trying to tell me something, but i guess i shut them off.

"Are you okay?" A rough asked me.

I look up from my thoughts only to see the man standing right in front of me. With shock i took a few steps back only to hit the counter.

"I... Im... wait what are you doing here? Why are you still doing here?" I demanded trying to get my guts together.

He looked at me with a pointed look, he started talking in a robotic voice, " I was worried about you. You had a panick attack and passed out. I contacted a doctor he said to let you rest and-"

"I meant Why were you in my room?" I asked him trying to back away while he took one more step infront of me"

"Well wasn't it your friend and you who came finding me?" He asked still with the same expression, it was very emotionless which scared me.

I didnt know how to reply to that, of course I went searching for him to ask him stuff about my past. After the panick attack yesterday, I think a piece of my memory came back to me just before I passed out. Im pretty sure this man was there in my life before the accident. But after seeing what happened in the club yesterday, with what the old man and his grandson tolf us, do i really want to know about this man?

The old man clearly warned us to stay away. He was here though, i could ask him and get this over with . 'But' my conscious spoke, 'What if I dont like what this man has to say?'

Hmm good point, it can't be that bad right? God I'm so confused.

With me drowning in confusion Mr cold eyes took another step towards me that we were standin a few centimetres away from me and continued.

"Since you couldnt find me, I came to you"

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