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I blushed. I felt so embarrassed. Everything felt so weird.

Intensely he stared deeply into my eyes.  I looked at him back and blushed.

I felt his knee in between my legs that made me moan when it touched my sweet spot. Now I was on his knee that was holding me up and it felt so good.

"What should I do with you?" He teased me with his deep voice that gave me chills.

I tried to struggle to get away suddenly remembering what the hell I'm doing but it wasn't helping my situation, me struggling only made my situation worse. Closing my eyes I bit my lips to stop myself from moaning. Why? Because I was basically grinding my sweet spot on his knee when I struggled to get away and that felt so good, making my situation worse. He even tightened his grip on my hands so I wouldn't be able to escape so I'm basically teasing myself.

Damn it. I didn't want to stop squirming around because it felt so good. I wanted to moan out the pleasure I was feeling but I had to stop myself remembering my pride.

When I opened my eyes his face was centimetres away from me.

I felt my cheeks get even more hot and I tried to back away.

"Do you feel good love?" He asked soflty. His lips made me want to kiss him some more. Damn it, why am I like this?

"P.. P...put me down" I cried out, well it was more like a moan.

He smirked then and his knee that was between my legs started moving making close my eyes and bite my lips again.

My dress was doing a good job keeping mg legs together around his knee since it was tight.

Oh god. I felt his lips press down on my lips and I lost control. His lips were rough on my soft lips and it felt so good. I didn't know what the fuck to do or even feel anymore. All I felt was the pleasure that was building in my body.

I wanted to release.

"Please" I moaned in his lips as I felt his knees grinding my lower region more slowly. I too was squirming to get some more friction.

"Please what?" He whispered. The hot breath I felt through his mouth into mine made me want it more. What is it that I wanted? I don't know. I have never felt like this before.

"Ahhhh" I cried as I felt a hand join the action just above my private area over the dress I was wearing. My eyes was tightly shut as I just felt it all.

"Aren't you a little vixen" he breathed in my neck.

His body frame felt so big against my body. I felt like I was enfulged by his body. It felt so weird. His head was on my head. In a good way. He was just breathing into my neck as if he was thinking of things.

He sighed into my neck. He let go of my hands and both his hand went to mg waist. He gripped me and put his knee down, gently standing me down the ground.

My legs felt wobly. What happened? It was soo steamy and all of a sudden he just backed off. What the hell! He can't just make me all hot and bothered, just to leave me like that.

I whined a bit as he set me down proelry. He just lifted his head, he didnt let my waist go though. He smiled at me devilishly.

"Dont worry angel we'll have fun later" he kissed my lips. "But for now I rather go somewhere safe. " he kissed me on my forehead, then with one hand he petted my head and let me go. I was so confused. Did I do something wrong? My cheeks burnt as I felt embarrassed. 

Shit that was the first time I kissed someone as far as I can remember. What if the way I kissed wss horrible. What if he thought I was immature? I felt so insecure at the moment I didn't realise he had come back in front of me with my coat. He was already wearing his coat.

"Angel?" He called out.

Dambj it I don't want to run far away from him at the moment. I was a strong women usually. I learnt how to fight. I learnt how to take care of myself. Throughout the confusion I didn't depend on no one. I was that girl who was active, not afraid to speak my mind and put people in their place. Yeah sure, I knew I was all soft and frail when I woke up. I realized I was naive. I was so confused and I expected someone to save me, someone to tell me the truth.

Nevertheless that never came. So I toughened up. And  now.



This guy comes and screws with my head. Metaphorically speaking, let's say I am a house, and I built a nice hard shell of a wall around my house to keep people out and just in case if anyone gets through the wall I even put up the best security systems to keep anyone out. I didn't even let anyone in. My friends aren't even allowed into my house, but only into the garden. Harsh I know. But this guy... its like he was already living in my house all along. It feels like he was in a room all along. Better yet it feels like he helped me build the house and he knows every inch of the house. (This is a metaphor: the house is myself, my mentality, my heart) He knows all of my soft side and this scares me. How did he get in here?

I wanted to go away.

I grabbed my coat and looked away trying to hide my cheeks. I looked out of the large window. Waiting for him to start talking. If he didn't I was going to bid him farewell. I won't let myself fall for this. I need to be stronger. I need to chase him out of the my house.

He chuckled a bit and I felt his hands wrapping around my waist while he leaned down to hug me from behind. I tried to struggle to be released but he didn't budge and for some reason I melted right into his arms.

"Whats the matter Rosa?" He asked softly. I felt him smiling.

"I want to go home" I said trying to act tough. If he didn't like my kiss. I am going home. I know I sound childish but damn it! It's embarrassing.

He did not letting me go. He just leaned in closer. As if I had lost my way or something he muttered in my ear intimately,

"You are home"

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