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Damien ignored Matt and kept on walking forward from there. I turned and gave Matt a reassuring smile and followed Damien obediently. I should have stayed at Matt then. But I would be bringing trouble to Matt and create a scene in the middle of the high class party. I didn't want to do either of that.

Once we are out of the room, I realized there were some rich  businessmen who were standing at the door. They all were wearing their custom made suits which looked shit expensive.

Damien didn't even bother looking at them, while I felt intimidated by all of them. They all looked so serious and some even looked weary.

"Mr Ascian we hope you enjoyed your night" the man in the middle, who I presume is the senior most from the lot. I don't know if he was senior due to his age or money though.

Damien spared them all a look and nodded.  He then put his arm around my waist protectively and then guided me outside to a car that was already waiting outside, there was also one of his body guards who opened a door for us.  Body gaurds was all over the place. Everything and everyone was so tensed.

Once we got into the car I didn't still didn't relax. Once we departed a breath I was holding in was let out.

"Wow that was tensed" I exhaled.

" those basterds are dangerous men Rosalie." He snapped in frustration. What the?

"I wished you didn't come to this damn thing" he continued. It was as if he was talking to himself now.

"Its not like anything happened" I thought out loud.

"Not yet Rosalie," he snapped at me again. " don't you get it. Today someone was targeting to kidnap you!" He exclaimed.

I felt my mouth and eyes opening wide.

What? Why? Who?

"B- but why"

" Why else do you think?" He snapped again. "Right now if anyone kidnapped you, they would think that no one would properly look for you. Think about it, right now you are known to be an individual who lives with no family no proper connections. You are the easiest person to kidnap" he snapped this at me.

"At least its what they think" he muttered under his breath.

" but I have friends-"

"Yeah? So what?" He looked at me. "What are they going to do? These men can kidnap you and could easily make it seem like you left somewhere else. They could make it seem like you ran away. Hell even if your so called friends come upnwith the idea that something is suspicious  what are they going to do? Do they have equal power to fight with men like this? Forget being equal" he laughed in a cruel sarcastic manner, "do they even have the power to voice their opinions. The answer is no! Shit upper class people like that can easily kidnap anyone, hell they do shit to people who have families and no one can do shit. And those shitty people can target you, cuz people like you are easy targets. No family, no proper connections. You are just someone these shit people can mess with and easily get away. It's what happens in this world Rosalie " he finished.

I was tearing now. That hurt a lot. I knew I was alone in the world. I already knew that. For vacations and holidays while my friends go see  their families I stay at home alone, wishing I had someone I can spend it with. For birthday while they get calls and presents from their families i don't. I tried to fill that gap of loneliness with friends but friends still have their own families to go home to.

Friends are nice, and yeah you can make them family too but there are times where one has a sense of belonging. Where they don't feel alone in this world. Some fill it with family members, a loved one and friends. I don't have family and I still  couldn't even find a loved one or the type of friends who can fill that loneliness.

Metaphorically it feels like I'm in a planet, on my own and while I get visitors here and there, they don't stay. When I visit my friends planets they have their families or loved once in their world and then visiting friends like me. But for me it's just me. All alone. It feels dark and lonely in that big planet, and that is how I felt since I woke up in that hospital. I tried to get friends into my life but they don't stay. I thought if I found a person to love... but i felt nothing of that sort towards others. Just darkness and loneliness.

I was looking down to my lap feeling sorry for myself. I wish I had someone that bought some light into my life. A tear dropped on my lap. Anxiety creeping on me. It felt hard to breath. Darkness clouded my vision.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a lap.  Damien lap. Where he hugged me really tight. He  realized I was going through a  anxiety attack. His hug soothed me.

Shit. As weird as it sounds, I realized eveytime this man is near me, the darkness and loneliness I feel dissapears. I see light in him. It's ironic how he usually looks very cold and dangerous, I'm pretty sure that's what others feel too when ever he is around but for me despite that whenever I'm with him I feel warm and safe.

"Dont worry angel. I won't let anyone harm you, while your friends can't do shit, I can, I finally have all the power in the world. I will always protect you. This time I won't let you go again. I'll keep you close for my sanity too, I promise"

And just like that my lonely dark planet was filled with light and warmth.

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