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Running through the street my heart was racing. I can't believe I just sneaked out on him. Part of me was so scared, another was angry at him and satisfied, while another part of me was was sad to leave him behind.

Deciding to not let it get to me, I sped up. I just need to make it to the main street and then I'll be good to go. I don't have any money with me to take a cab or anything like that. Running through this small street I felt like I have been here before. This felt so familiar. I stopped for awhile and looked around a bit. It seemed soo familiar.

My head hurt thinking about it. Shaking my head I decided to stop deeply thinking about and run.

I turned towards the side of the main road and I quickly ran away. Its been about 10 min running through these small roads.

Just as I reached the main road a smiled graced my lips.

Finally. Now I can quickly go home. I tried to turn around to keep running but I ran right into two arms that hugged me and lifted me up while hugging me. If anyone else saw this on the busy street they would think I ran towards the person and that person greeted me back by lifting me and hugging me. I tried to scream let me go, but my mouth was pressed into the person chest. The person who lifted me walked swiftly into the alleyway I came from.

Noooo... my freedom...

"That was convenient " a rough voice mocked me. Goosebumps  rose on my skin as I shuddered.

I tried to struggle and scream for help but I doubt anyone would be there.

"Behave lil Rose, or your punishment will be worse" his voice was so cold and hard. But at the same time it sounded playful. Hmm maybe I heard that part wrong.

Once we reached a deeper point of this road, I realised the sound of the busy street sounded muffled and no one was here. Shit shit shit!

How did I even get caught I ran as fast as I could. The sweat on my skin says otherwise!

He pushed me towards a wall and lifted both my arms above my head and pinned them to a wall. One of his knee rose up between my legs and he lifted my weight up with my arms and settled on his knee.

"Put me down you brute!!" I screamed out loud angrily. I tried to to move but I couldn't. I tried to struggle away but I stopped immediately.

First of, If his knee support went away I would be hanging from the wall. But the issue with his knee was it was right near my private place that. It was like two stones clicking together and making a fire. I can't struggle too much it felt worse. The pleasure ran through me like electricity. It was embarrassing as hell.

How does one person get horney in a situation like this. The inner me face palmed myself.

I looked down at his knee and then slowly raised my eyes to meet his.

His grey stared back at me amused and fondly. I realised this was all fun and games for him.

Shit, I'm pretty sure my face is red and sweaty. I'm also horney now on top of it.

Of course his amused. I looked down and let my hair cover my face as much as it could and asked soflty.

"Please let me down"

" why?" He asked with a small smirk playing in his lips. He slowly moved his knee in a circular movement, causing a friction with my private sensitive spot. "Aren't you enjoying it?" He asked slowly still moving his knee.

My legs shaking a little bit.

Why was I feeling like this?

I was running away from him a few moments ago. How did it end up like this. I felt hot all over. The fact that I ran didn't make it seem better.

"Please stop" I whined a bit. "How did you even find me?!" I cried out as he nudged his knee a bit.

He smiled. Not a smirk, not a mocking smile, not a lip twitch. This cold faced asshole genuinely smiled. A full blown smile. For a moment I dumbstruck. While I was astound by his gorgeous smile he seemed to be running through a memory. I wonder what he is thinking about it.

"When I was small I used to play in these streets with someone very special to me."

He looked at me with a smile.

"And when I grew up I had to run around these parts. I also I have Hyperthymesia ."

"Wow.. That sounds cool" I was amazed. "How does that even work?"

The smile he had faded a bit as if he something burned it away.

He started learning towards me slowly.

I started leaning back like, I'm pretty sure my double chin showed it self and shouted hi at his face.

He didn't stopped though, he leaned his forehead all the way on mine and just closed his eyes.

It was very weird.

I was staring at him with wide eyes and his eyes was closed.

At that time. The city noise and people walking. All of it was a background noise. It felt so silent that but so loud.

I felt everything but at the same time nothing.

It was nice.

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