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The club was loud. It felt i dont know oh so familiar. God I wanted to dig a hole and hide for some reason. The music was pumping, there were flashy lights thag lit the dance floor a bit  but other that it was dark, sensual. This was the first time i came to a club. At least it was the first time since I woke up from my coma and got to know i had amnesia.

" OMG I spotted my boo" Jenna exclaimed loudly. She looked like a lost puppy.

" well go get him" Jessica cheered.

Jenna looked around with fear in her eyes. I realised this and patted her on her shoulder and came close to her hear so i dont have to shout it out, anyways since it was super loud in hear  she would hear it better.

" don't worry I'll keep my eyes on you. We are safe here beside.. your man is there too right?"

With that she smiled in glee and thanked us and walked away. Which left me Jessica and  Rebecca to enjoy our night.

Since its Rebecca's first time she wanted to go crazy... She dragged us to the dance floor and I just stood just swinging from side to side, While Rebecca and Jessica went crazy. 

Afterwards Jessica wanted to get us drunk so she tried to settle me and Rebecca to one place but Rebecca wanted to go with her and get drinks.

" you won't be able to carry three drinks so I'll help" and they left me alone.

I let out a sigh. I looked around for Jenna and saw she was okay with her guy. All three of us kept on checking up on her.

I leaned into the wall. If i could be the wall at this point I would. That's how uncomfortable I am. I feel like there are people looking at me from everywhere... it's freaking me out.

Top of it all i was really thirsty. I mean I didn't dance that much but I basically stoop in the dance floor for almost an hour while Jessica and Rebecca danced.

God this sucks. I stayed for Rebecca and Jessica for awhile hoping they would be back with the drinks but i got bored and impatient so i went to find them and found both of them dancing with a bunch of guys. They looked a bit tipsy too, guess they had drinks. They looked like they were having fun too.

I didn't care that they forgot about me, things like that didn't bother me that much.  Well might as well i go grab a drink.

I felt some guy come behind me and touch my hips but i quickly avoided him.

When I looked around I saw it was a just a guy in his early 20s. He gave me this look that disgusted me.

"Not interested" was all i said before I walked towards the bar.

The bar was crowded but i managed to squeeze in.

I stayed til the bartender ask me what I want. I observed him for awhile and damn he looked familiar. So familiar.

When he finally gave his attention to me he took one look at me and dropped the glass he was holding on to the counter. Thank god it didn't break.

"  hey can i have a glass of water?" I didn't want to stare at the poor guy and freak him out more So i ordered quickly it.

But he just started at me with his mouth open like he has seen a ghost.

"Hey what's the hold up!" The guy next to me snapped at the bartender, which brought him out of his shock.

"E-e-excuse me" he stuttered, " how-"

He was cut by the other dude who i think was the manger. " it's okay Rian ill take the ladies order"

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