Chapter 111

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Spirit Week had arrived at Riverdale High, for the first time in years the students have something to celebrate. The Bulldogs were finally going to the state finals, Callie was helping put up decorations in the hallway with the Vixens.

"Tape," Callie stated as she put her hand down.

"Tape," Tina repeated as she put a piece on the girl's fingertip. 

"Cal, can you convince Cheryl to let us join again?" Ginger asked.

"If you want to convince Cheryl to let you be on the team, then talk to her yourself," Callie stated. "You both used to be her former handmaidens."

"Why can't you?" Tina asked. "She likes you better than us too."

"Of course she does," Callie stated. "I am her best friend, that put me way higher up. You two can use your heads and figure out a way to talk to her together."

"We can even set up a trial for you two," Callie stated.

"A trial in front of who?" Tina asked.

"The rest of the Vixens of course," Callie answered. 

Callie was now sitting at La Bonne Nuit, she and Reggie were trying Rum recipes by Veronica Luna.

"Mmm, gotta go with number three," Reggie stated. "It's damn good, Ronnie."

"What is it?" Callie asked.

"It's my special shimmy on Abuelita's recipe," Veronica answered. 

"I thought your dad patented the recipe, so you couldn't use it," Callie pointed out as Reggie took Callie's glass of rum to drink. 

"Daddy may have patented our family recipe for his own profit, but this is a modified spiced rum with a unique flavor profile," Veronica explained. "Now it's time to introduce Luna Rum to the outside world. 

"You are going to kill it," Reggie smiled as he stared at the bottle.


The next day at school, Callie was walking down Riverdale's halls with the Vixens, they were about to head to practice.

"Cheryl, girls," Principal Honey greeted. "How fortuitous." A woman stepped out of his office. "I'd like you to meet someone--"

"No time to chat Mr. Honey," Cheryl stated.

"We're on our way to practice," Callie added.

"We are focusing on our Spirit Week musical routine," Cheryl continued. "Which will, naturally, be--"

"Epic," Cheryl and Callie stated at the same time.  

"On that subject," Mr. Honey began as he stepped to the side to not them through. "As discussed with Mrs. Burble, I have brought in Miss Appleyard to be coach."

"I hope you mean sideline assistant," Callie stated.

"Cheer season is almost done, Mr. Honey," Cheryl added. 

" I can handle this, Holden," Ms. Appleyard assured as she stepped up to the two red-heads. He walked away letting her take over.

"Look, I'm not sure what Honey has told you, but we don't need a coach," Cheryl stated. "I run the show around here."

"We are looking for a launderwoman," Callie informed. Reigning the halls with Cheryl was definitely one of the things Callie missed about regular high school before all the murder mysteries started up. 

"From now on, we're gonna change things up," Miss Appleyard stated. "The Vixens are a cheer squad. So we'll be focusing on cheers not singing and dancing to pop songs. Now, gather the rest of the girls and meet me on the field, so we can practice some drills, okay?"

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