Chapter 19

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*** Callie's hair and dress are in the pictures above***

The next day Callie sat in her room as her mom did her hair.

"I haven't done your hair since the daddy-daughter dance," her mom stated.

"And I wouldn't let you touch, so I ran from you for a good hour," Callie laughed.

" I had to negotiate with you, if I got to do your hair, then you got to stay at the Coopers longer to hang out with Betty," her mom laughed. Callie smiled dropped a little and she looked at the desk. " What happened between you and Betty? You two were the best of friends when I left, and now you are best friends with Cheryl Blossom."

" We got into a fight a stupid fight freshmen year, " Callie answered. " I made the cheer team and she didn't. She said I shouldn't accept the Vixens, cause we always wanted to do something together. But I didn't listen and I became a Vixen."

" Is that all?" her mom asked.

" During my days as a Vixen," Callie began. " I became really good friends with Cheryl, she told me that Betty was not a very good friend, Cheryl said if I ever want to be top of the food chain at school, I need to be friends with people like her, Ginger and Tina, not Betty."

"Do you regret it?" her mom asked.

"Becoming a vixen, no. But losing Betty yes," Callie answered. " But we are slowly becoming friends again."

" Sweetie," her mom said as finished her hair. " You are the boss of your own decisions, not Cheryl. Don't let her boss you around."

"I won't Callie assured her with a smile.". After her mom finished her hair, she left the room and Jughead walked in.

"Ready for the dinner for the Coopers?" Callie asked as she put earrings on.

"Yeah, " Jughead answered. " I really would love to have our families bond. You excited for the dance?"

" Yeah," Callie smiled. " I love looking good." 

" Well as somebody that is basically another brother to you," Jughead said. " If Reggie tries anything, he'll have to get through me." Callie laughed and shook her head.

" He will have both you and Archie to go through," Callie pointed out.  Later that night Callie was dressed and ready to go for the homecoming dance the doorbell rang. Archie already left earlier that day with Veronica and Jughead was next door.

"I'll get it," her dad volunteered. He walked over and opened it revealing Reggie.

" Hello, Mr. Andrews," Reggie greeted as her dad let him in. "Ms. Andrews." He kissed her mother's hand and gave her a bouquet of flowers.

"A true gentlemen," her mom laughed as Reggie went over to Callie. He gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"You all look amazing," Reggie told everyone.

" You look pretty cleaned up yourself," Callie's dad commented. 

" Let me snap a quick picture," her mom suggested as she took out her phone.

" Mom," Callie smiled.

" One quick picture," she assured her daughter. Reggie and Callie both possed a for the picture."You two look incredible. Another one. This time you two put your flowers on each other." The two did as they were told with a smile before they could leave.

" We will see you both at the dance," Callie told her parents as the two headed out.

"Drive safe," her dad advised Reggie.

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