Chapter 28

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The next day Callie laid in her bed, tears staining the pillow. She heard a knock, she looked over to see Archie.

" Go away," Callie sniffed as she looked.

" What exactly happened?" Archie asked, ignoring her request and sitting on her bed.

"Ever since I got back from being kidnapped, Reggie has been acting weird," Callie began. " More like ever since I told how that serpent walked me home. He threatens me, lost trust in me, threw his drink at me, and the last night at Pop's. He was not happy that I was being nice to the serpents that came in, so he told me that he hopes I end up like dad. Shot."

" Are you alright?" Archie asked. 

"I think so," Callie sniffed. " Anyways I broke up with him."

" He is just some dumb silly boy," Archie tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, but according to Betty and Veronica we were the school's otp, couple goals of the school," Callie stated. " They said people at school will be sad about it."

"Your relationship with Reggie started getting toxic," Archie pointed out.  " It was smart for you to get out early before it escalated." 

" You're right," Callie smiled at him as she sat up.

" Maybe you should stay home today," Archie advised.

"What?" Callie asked. " No, I will go to school."

"You are hurting real bad Callie, the last thing you should do right now is go to school and risk seeing Reggie Mantle," Archie argued. " Stay home and rest, do not just jump right back into the school." 

" Fine," Callie gave in as she laid back down.

" I will text you about everything that is happening," Archie assured her.

"Thank you," Callie smiled. " Now get to school and that don't be late." Archie kissed the top of her head before leaving her room.


Later Callie gets a text from Archie about Moose and Midge getting shot up at Lovers Lane, Moose shielded Midge, and that he is in the hospital. She has been crying mainly all day, barely ate anything, she was then going to go brush her hair when she got a call from Veronica. 

" Hey," Callie answered.

"Why aren't you at school?" Veronica asked.

"Archie didn't tell you?" Callie asked.

" No, you can tell me later tonight," Veronica insisted. " I want you and everyone to meet my dad while watching the season of The Matchlerette."

"Who is all going to be there?" Callie asked.

"Me, Archie, Betty, Jughead," Veronica listed. 

" You know," Callie began as tears formed in her eyes. " I think I will just sit this one out."

" Are you okay?" Veronica reminded her. " You sound upset."

" I'm fine Veronica, I just came down the flu and do not want to get anyone sick," Callie said as she hung up the phone. She then sobbed into her hands, she sat down at her desk, as the tears poured out of her eyes. Callie then thought about Midge, then Moose and finally her dad. Callie wiped away some tears before opening her laptop and doing some research.


After Jughead got a tour at his school, he met a couple of the serpents. He was in the library when someone sat next to him. He looked over to see Sweetpea.

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