Chapter 11

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Later that night, it was time for the dinner party. At the Lodges, Callie sat in between her Josie and Veronica. They had to pull up an extra chair, and Callie did not want to sit next to any of her family members at the moment. In the background, they heard jazz music playing. 

"So, Myles, you being a professional jazzman," her dad addressed Mr. McCoy. " You must be livin your dream, right?"

"Well, yes and no," Mr. McCoy answered. " The real struggle is always art versus commerce."

"You know, I've never really been about the big paycheck," her dad admitted.

" But if we're talking about the future and long-term security, it can't always be about following your bliss," Mayor McCoy advised.

 " Personally, I'm just excited to see my daughter perform with the Pussycats at the Variety Show," Mrs. Lodge said.

"Oh, yeah," Josie breathed.

"I beg your pardon," Mr. McCoy said. " When were you gonna tell me about this?"

"It just happened," Josie answered. " Dad and she's...she's really, really good. And Val quit. Or should I say we were Yoko Ono'd? "

"Really?" Her dad asked.

"Yeah," Josie confirmed.

"That's unfortunate," her dad said. " She was the real deal. Gave your act some much-needed integrity."

"Well, I figure as long as the kids are havin' fun that's the point right?" Callie's dad asked.

"Except its more than just about being fun for us," Mr. McCoy answered. " Isn't it Josephine?"

"Josephine?" Archie asked. At that moment Callie sent a rescue me message to Reggie from under the table. " I didn't know that was your real name."

"After Josephine Baker," Mr McCoy informed. " You have no idea who that is, do you?"

"Fred? You wanna get started on that presentation?" Veronica asked. Callie looked down at her phone from Reggie.

Reggie: Just wait it out a little longer, I am at the gym with Moose, text me again if it gets worse

Callie let out a quiet sigh, she looked over to see Veronica raising her eyebrow's at her.

"Yeah," Mr. Andrews answered Hermione. Her dad got up and they all moved to the room. The one with presentation set up, he began the presentation. " And with the labor force, coming from Riverdale, Andrews Construction, would be stimulating the local economy. It's a win for the entire town. That's it in a nutshell."

"Well, " Mr. McCoy began. " After all that salt-of-the-earth talk, I didn't expect you to be another dollar-chasing gentrifier."

"Mr. McCoy," Callie began. " Not everyone has the same job as you, we all make our money differently, my dad works in the real world."

"Callie!" Her dad scowled at her.

" It is quite alright, Fred," Mayor McCoy assured him. She then got up and stood next to her dad. " I think Fred's bid was refreshing. In fact, I'd like to award him the contract."

"Would you really?" Callie asked.

"Yes," she confirmed. " I'd like to" Mayor McCoy then turned to Mr. Andrews. " Fred but the buyer's already in process of accepting another bid. It would take two shareholder signatures to stop the process." The meeting was coming to an end and Callie stood at the door, fuming, ready to leave. 

" Your daughter has a lot of spunk Fred," Myles stated. " Spunk like that will be good in the business world."

" For now it will be getting her grounded," Fred confirmed.


When they get home, Callie started up the stairs.

"Callie," her dad began. " What you did tonight was unacceptable."

"He was not being a very nice person, Dad," Callie answered. " He works in the fantasy world, while you work in the real world." 

"That does not give you the right to speak to him like that," her dad growled at her. "You are going to be grounded again, for a week." 

"Me, grounded?" Callie questioned. " You are the one trying to hook up with a married woman.'"

" Callie Mae Andrews!" her dad snapped, Callie stormed up the stairs to her room angrily.


The next night, Callie sat in the auditorium at the school. She sat next to Reggie and away from her dad.

" Hello, Riverdale High and welcome to the 75th annual Variety Show!" Kevin greeted the crowd, everyone cheered and clapped. They listened to Josie and the Pussycats first, they saw that Valerie was with them also.

"So who is singing with Archie?" Reggie asked.

"You know as much as I do," Callie admitted. Everyone stood up and applauded when they ended.

"That was Josie and the Pussycats!" Kevin announced. Long tails and ears for hats." Kevin then announced Callie's brother names, everyone cheered as he walked on stage.

"Stick to football!" Reggie shouted making the boys laugh.

"Reggie!" Callie snapped. " You are doing great Archie!" Archie looked out at everyone, he locked eyes with Callie and nodded at her. He then started to play his song. 

" He is actually pretty good," Reggie admitted. 

"Good," Callie responded. " You are still not getting anything from me tonight."

"Oooh," sounded the surrounding football players. When Archie finished, everyone clapped, the football team stood up cheering. Soon everyone else followed their league. After the show, everyone stood out in the hall as Archie walked down the hall.

"Archie you the man!" a boy shouted. Callie could see her brother's smile getting wider and wider. All the football players patted his shoulder and woofed as he passed by.

"If we get married and if we have kids, let's name our son after him," Reggie suggested.

"It can be our son's middle name," Callie suggested, she then froze. " You are thinking really far into the future, why?"

"Because that's how much you mean to me," Reggie answered. " I love you, Callie Andrews." Her eyes grew wide, that was the first time he has ever said it.

"Reggie?" Callie asked him in shock.

"I am serious," Reggie confirmed. " I love how protective you are of the people you care about, I love seeing you go through these changes. I love the sound you make at night when you are asleep. Or when you nag at me when you think my hair is too long, I love you."

" I love you too Reggie Mantle," Callie said, she pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back.

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