Chapter 3

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  Later on, Callie was in the locker room with all the other cheerleaders. She stood in the mirror with Callie as they fixed their makeup.

"Are you going with anyone to the dance?"  Cheryl asked.

"Reggie of course," Callie smiled. "You?"

"Maybe, depends how I feel when the time comes," Cheryl responded." See you later". Callie walked out of the locker room. In the distance, she saw Betty and Veronica talking with Archie. She looked over at the football field to see Reggie checking her out. He jogged over to her.

"You look so hot in that uniform," Reggie growled playfully.

"And you are sweaty," Callie giggled. She ran her fingers through his sweaty hair. Reggie kissed her roughly, she kissed back before pulling back.

"I will see you later babe," Callie giggled once more. Reggie pecked her on the lips once more before jogging away. " Archie! Let's go home, dad is waiting for us". Archie said goodbye to his friends before going to the locker room and changing.

"Guess what," Archie started on their walk home.

"What?" Callie asked.

"I am going to the dance," Archie stated happily.

"With who?" Callie asked.

"Betty and Veronica," Archie smiled.

"Two girls at once?" Callie questioned him while glancing at him.

"Just as friends," Archie assured her.

"Archie, you gotta be careful, you can not just be friends with two girls like that without falling for one of them and leaving the other girl heartbroken," Callie advised.

" I won't," He assured her once more. "Oh, and coach also offered me a spot on varsity".

"That's fantastic news!" Callie cheered. 

"He gave me number nine," Archie informed her.

"They didn't retire his number?" Callie asked as her smile dropped. Archie shrugged, not really knowing what else to say. When they got home Archie stayed on the porch strumming his guitar, while Callie talked to their dad. Suddenly his phone rings. "Who is it?" Callie asked.

"Archie's coach," he said as he checked the caller on his phone. " Hello". He greeted as he answered the phone call. A couple of minutes later he hung up the phone. " He's concerned about Archie not being able to play varsity".

"That's strange, he was excited about it on our way home from school," Callie commented. Minutes later their dad came out with a beer on the porch with a beer followed by Callie. Archie stopped strumming his guitar and looked back at the two. " I, umm..I got a call from your coach today".

"He's under the impression that you can't play varsity football," Callie added. " Because daddie is making you work for him".

"Which is odd, because you made it seem like you couldn't work for me because you were playing football," their dad added. Callie watched her brother look down, avoiding eye contact. " So my first question is...who are you lying to?"

" Dad or your coach?" Callie questioned.

"Stay out of this Callie," Archie turned back around.

"Go inside Callie," their dad told her.

"But-" Callie began.

"If you do not go inside, then you can't go out with Reggie later. And as I recall it's the school dance tonight". Callie angrily stalked insides and listened to the conversation from there. Minutes their dad walked back inside and sighed when he saw Callie. " I thought I told you to go inside".

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