Chapter 28

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Have you ever seen someone turn into a fly?

It's not pretty.

Like... Don't even think about it. It's just gross.

All of his men ran from Kaneshiro after his transformation while the rest of us just looked at him with disgust. Skull and Panther were clearly judging him with those looks. If we weren't focusing on the gigantic piggy bank that he brought out, I would have laughed at their expressions.

Joker had Skull, Panther, and Mona in the team. The others stood by fighting the shadows that were entering the safe.

"Y/N! Do it!" I nodded and aimed the grappling hook to the ledge Joker mentioned. I aimed at the ledge and it flung me there. I was a bit disappointed when I landed.

It felt pretty cool.

I kneeled down and watched them fight from below. They all seemed to be having problems with Kaneshiro. Maybe he was too strong? No, Joker is stronger than anybody else on this team. He can't be weak.

Well, the others seemed to be having a difficult time. Kaneshiro and his security guards was attacking everyone else except Joker.  He definitely knew they were the weaker ones. That's smart. The security guards keep protecting Kaneshiro. I hate people who hide behind others.

Mona was taken down first, before having the chance to heal them. He jumped back and watched them from a distance, claiming he was going to stand by for support. But we all knew he was just hiding for a bit. I guess he needs a break too. He is a cat, after all.

Skull was defending himself while Panther healed Joker. That's the unfortunate part. Panther can only heal one person with that skill. I don't think Joker has any healing skills ready.

He probably didn't expect Mona to be taken down this early in battle.

Every attack aimed for Kaneshiro is being taken by the guards. What if they have a weak point underneath that armor of theirs?

What do I do? Shit, what can I do...?

Stop it and think of a plan.

No negative thoughts.

Be happy.

But I can't! How can I help?

Be ha-

You still fall for that man's words every time, don't you? I would assume a year of free will would have helped... But you're still too weak to handle things on your own.

Achyls, where the hell are you?

Well, a persona can't just appear out of nowhere without signing a contract. You think I work for free?

I already signed a contract with you though. Remember? Like 2-3 years ago?

You may have signed it but your state is that when you first encountered the metaverse... It disgusts me.

I don't have time for this.

I'll sign this stupid contract again. Just come back.

Signing a contract isn't so simple-

"Fuck you then, I'll help them without you!" I took out my sniper and aimed it toward the shadows. Achyls tried talking but I managed to drown her out. I looked through the scope with my finger ready to pull the trigger.

I waited for the perfect moment.

Just as the guard moved to protect Kaneshiro from an attack, I shot at its head, causing him to die immediately.

"One down! Joker, heal them while you can!" I yelled and reloaded my gun for the other guard. The small one was going to be easy... Just one little-

"That damn girl! You! Get her!" Kaneshiro sent the last guard to me. I genuinely didn't expect him to zoom at me that fast. I barely had any time to take out my knife.

"Minou!" I heard Skull yell from below. The others were too busy with the fight but I saw Fox turn from the corner of my eye. I dodged the guard's attack and plunged the knife on his skin, causing him to writhe in pain. Before I had the chance to move, his body fell against me.

I fell back. A horrible feeling spread across my body as I clenched my eyes shut and waited for impact.

Then I fell against someone. I opened my eyes to see Fox. He had caught me from the fall.

"Are you okay?" He was out of breath as he checked for any injuries. His hand pushed some strands of hair out of my face then rested on my cheek.

Was he always this cute up close? His eye color was truly mesmerizing. I couldn't help but look at them.

There was a faint blush on his face, one that showed sincerity. It's the most emotion I've seen from him as he tends to keep them to himself often.

I felt something bubble up in my stomach the longer I stared at him. I don't know why I always felt happy when I was around him. No, it wasn't happiness. It was more of a comforting sensation. I haven't felt this way in a while-

"Minou, you're not hurt, are you?" We both snapped out of it when Queen ran to us with her revolver out. I got scared for a bit because it looked like she wanted to beat the hell out of us.


"Yeah, I'm just a little startled from the fall," I assured her before Fox picked me up with his arm around my waist. His arm was wrapped tightly around it while we looked for a safe place in here.

"Fox, make sure she's out of harm's way!" Joker ordered as Queen jumped in the battle to taken over for Panther, who kept getting knocked out every time she recovered. After the switching, Queen healed Skull right away while Joker concentrated for his next magic attack.

"Actually, Skull, switch with Fox and protect her. You're better with defense!" Joker said. Skull was obviously all for this plan because he didn't hesitate to tag Fox in and stand in front of me.

I raised my head to look in his eyes only for him to flick my forehead. I stumbled back a bit and covered it.

"What was that for?" I frowned.

"For being reckless up there. Thanks for the snipe but damn, I almost had a heart attack seeing you fall up there," Skull scolded me, showing his overprotective side again. He won't be letting this go for a long time.

It was reckless of me. Had Fox not been there to catch me, I could have died.

"Sorry, I should have been more careful than to attack like that," I frowned. "I just wanted to help."

We both watched the fight continue for almost an hour. Kaneshiro kept squishing the team with that piggy bank of his and they were running out on healing materials and skills.

"One more hit, Joker!" Queen yelled after using the last of her SP on a nuke attack.

And Joker, being the show-off that he is, brought out his gun and landed a critical on Kaneshiro. He didn't have to look so dramatic doing it...

"Hell yeah! We finally got this son of a bitch!" Skull pumped his fists and grinned like a wild man. "Let's get the treasure!"

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now