Chapter 7

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"When are you free then?" Ryuji broke the silence as you rubbed your hands nervously.

"I can clear up my schedule at any time. All I need is a DNA sample of you and mine as well. I'll send it to the labs as soon as possible." You replied. He stood up from his seat and threw his can of soda in the trash.

"What should we do if it comes out positive? Act like we're some kinda happy family now?" He mumbled. "I don't know how my mom will take this."

"If your mother is uncomfortable meeting me, I understand. If you don't want anything to do with this, I respect your wishes. I don't want you two to be stressing out about this. I know that we're related to our fath-"

"You're nothing like him, though. That's the thing. Maybe my mom will take a chance, but who knows?" He said, walking up to you with his hands in his pockets. "We'll have to make this work. You and I are goin' to show that bastard that we're the best god-damn children in Japan!" 

He pumped his fist enthusiastically, making you smile and mimic his gesture. It wasn't as passionate as Ryuji's though. Gesticulating your feelings wasn't something you were fond of doing. You favored showing them by words.

"C' mon! Show some more emotion to it!" He bumped your fist against him with his brute force. He had that roguish grin that would alarm the teachers.

"A-Alright," You muttered and scratched the back of your neck. "So it's decided. If the tests come out positive, we wi-"

"I'll be protectin' you from the shadows until I see you getting stronger. Shit's going to be great when we work together!" He said. "That also means I get to talk shit about Akechi, too! Not that I already did."

He defended himself immediately while you giggled at him. Maybe having him as a brother wasn't going to be a pain. Things might get exciting in this case.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Minou! Attack the shadow!" Joker ordered you. You nodded in understanding and held your hands out to reveal the sharp, silver knives between your fingers before charging at the shadow. You leaped from their attacks and plunged your claws deep in their necks. It wasn't enough, but it took a significant amount of damage. 

"Finish it, Skull!" Skull raised his blunt weapon and slammed it against the shadow's head, killing it right away.

"Hell yeah! Let's fight some more shadows, Joker!" Skull put his arm around your shoulder as you walked back to the car (A.K.A Morgana).

"You two sure do make a good duo," Joker noted and got in the driver's seat. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I got to admit, this is thrilling..." You said, polishing your claws and fixed your mask. 

It was a musketeer mask that covered the upper half of your face. Your costume had a trenchcoat that reached down to your hips with a pair of tight leggings. Around your waist was a checkered bandana that covered the back of your knees.

"You don't seem to depend on your persona during battles... That's extraordinary, seeing how shadows can diversify in abilities," Fox murmured with his fingers on his chin in consideration. He studied your outfit for the ninth time today as if he were trying to remember every feature of your gear.

"Yo, Shakespeare," Skull jumped in between you and Fox, despite him continually trying to avoid Fox's weird moments. "stop eyein' my sister. Shit's weird as hell..."

You could hear Joker cough to hide the apparent laugh while Ann covered her mouth to keep her chuckle quiet.

"I'm not eyeing her. I am just seeing her outfit. How does her outfit display her rebellious manner? Does it mirror the informality of a feline? How she prefers dealing with the perils of the outside rather than the sanctuary of the inside? Would she rush out for trouble and mayhem just for enjoyment?"

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now