Chapter 9

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"Y/N...wake up," She heard someone whisper in her ear. She opened one eye only to squeeze it shut when the sunlight hit her. "Did you forget to put your alarm again?"

"I don't need a fucking alarm," She drawled and turned her body to look at him. "So what? It's not like I got somethin' to do. I'm not goin..." You let out a yawn. "... to school today."

Akechi shook his head and made an er sound.

"It's our day off today. I already did my part of the work. The fucking wasn't necessary either," He pouted playfully and poked your cheek repeatedly.

"That's what she said."

Akechi looked confused as you smiled lightly at your reference only for it to disappear at the awkward silence that suddenly took over.


"Nothin', I'm up," Y/N stretched and let out a groan before finally standing up. "Jeez, I just wanted to spend today sleeping."

"I thought I was going to have to spray you with the bottle," He hummed and revealed the spray bottle from the bathroom.

"Are you treating me like a cat?" You said in an offended manner before walking to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

"Yes, kitten does sound like a name proper for you, Y/N," He walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist. "What do you think?"

"I'd rather you not," You muttered and tried to hide your face. "Who knew you'd be this sappy?"

He chuckled and ruffled up your hair to which you kicked his leg.

After trying to find out what to eat for breakfast, Akechi tried to pull his peacoat from the coat hanger and dumped it in the laundry basket in the bathroom.

"Do you want chocolate chips in the pancakes or blueberries?" Y/N yelled from the kitchen.

"Can we do both?" He yelled back.

"I guess."

Breakfast was good. You made it, of course. Akechi can't cook for anything. And that's something worth never forgetting.

Akechi fixed his gloves and took out his ticket when going down the subway while Y/N patted herself down to feel whether you had your ticket or forgot it on the kitchen table again. Once finding it, they headed towards the train and waited for it to arrive. Y/N scrolled through her phone and looked at the news until she felt a pair of eyes on her. It wasn't the usual glare from the fangirls though. It was rather out of malice.

"Hmm?" She looked to her right to see the entire station slowly turning black. Veins appeared as they did in Mementos. Everyone except for Goro disappeared; though he wasn't much of a reassurance. He stood frozen with his phone in hand. 

A train sped past them at a rapid speed. As it sped past them, she saw her Persona behind it. Her sadistic grin burning in her mind as she laughed maniacally. Y/N held her breath before taking her phone out and checked Mementos.

She wasn't in Mementos...

"Akechi," She said. No words left her mouth. She clutched her neck and heard the sounds of people screaming grew louder in her mind.


"Please! Don't kill me!"

"Show mercy!"

"I-I'll pay the rest of it as soon as I can!"

She stumbled back against the walls and stared at her Persona, who just stood there. Her torn, bloody dress wavering at the winds coming from the tunnel.

"Achyls! Leave me be!" Y/N screamed and hugged herself tightly.

She heard her weary wails get louder until she heard it from behind her. Her hot, repugnant breath hit her neck until she swung her arm back with a cry.

"Y/N! What was that about?" Y/N held her breath and looked at her surroundings like a wild animal. 

The security guards stood over you while Goro knelt beside you with his hand on your chest. You gulped and tried sitting up but your arms were too weak.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go home?" He asked and sat you on one of the benches before placing his hand on your forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever..."

"I. I'm fine. I just got weak all of a sudden," you shuddered, remembering her hot, disturbing breath hit your body. "I'll tell you later, okay?"

The people around you whispered to each other as they saw what happened. Goro took notice of this and took you to the next train.

Lucky for you two, the train didn't have many people, meaning that you didn't have to hide behind Goro from any perverts or fans.

"Goro, where exactly are you taking me?" You frowned. He held your hand and squeezed it.

"There's this nice sushi place I've been wanting to eat. Now that we're together, I hoped we could eat there," He said.

"Goro, you could have told me! Sushi can be expensive," you frowned.

"You're not paying anything, got it? I'm the one inviting you, meaning I shouldn't let my guest pay for anything."

"But I'm your girlfri-"

"Even worse. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you spend your money? Y/N, I'm not letting you pay."

You huffed and crossed your arms. You may look mad about the ordeal but inside, you were relieved. You haven't gotten your last paycheck yet.

"If you say so."

"That was surprisingly easy," Goro chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you rested your head against his shoulder. The smell of his cologne hit your nose, making you smile a bit before the train announced the upcoming stop.

"What if one day our personas lose control? Would we still be sane or let them take over our minds?"

"Where is this coming from?" Goro frowned.

"I'm wondering. One can't be too sure," you muttered.

"Well, stop worrying. We have the research to answer them. Y/N, you've been a little too worried lately. Relax your mind like I am today. There is a time and place," He said. Though his voice was stern and tense.

You looked out the window and saw the large city under you.

"Alright. I'll stop worrying then."

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now