Hope and Despair: An Ironic Duo

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I am Goro Akechi.

A famous detective across Japan.

Also, 'their' Detective Prince. That's in due time...

I'm fine. There's no problem in hating those who try hard to understand me. I don't feel the love from my fans or coworkers from their praise and compliments. But, I feel powerful. I never felt such power. Nor did I expect it ever.

Is it so wrong to work for admiration? For approval from everyone, I see fit?

I enjoy my job.

Most people say your dream job may lead you to poverty and depression.

What's the point in trying if I'm merely doing what I please? I like taking on challenges that require strategic and logical reasoning and plans.

And I get their praise and money. Enough money for me to retire at the age of eighteen.

But if I do, I wouldn't have anything to look forward to.

Trying to get the childhood I deserve?
The public wouldn't enjoy seeing a mature public figure running through the park with a kite raised high in the sky- or playing on the playground with the other kids.

No, they'd get arrested.

As a child, my own mother shooed me away if a client paid her. People shunned her after she gave birth to me. It was all I heard on a daily reminder of my existence. All I did was go to the bathhouse and wait for what seemed an eternity until I saw her client leave home.

At one point, a client seemed to pity me. He offered his hand and said he would give me what my mother couldn't.

No love.

I couldn't love an idiot God provided. He paid my mother for her services as if it were no deal. And she lets this happen almost every night...

At the orphanage, the women never paid attention to me. I was just a temporary addition until another orphanage finally decides to take me in.

Everyone is stupid.

That's what I realized as I walked through the streets at night. So many men and women expressing themselves openly for a date that might not even call them back.

I do show my emotions. I am human, after all.

Just... Everyone is too stupid to see them or take my words in deep thought.

Words speak louder than action.

You can't take words back. If you said it once, you can say it again.

Why should I have a heart for those I have to hurt to get where I am? They're stepping pebbles preventing me from reaching the top.

But, eventually, we all reach a boulder blocking our paths.

I've worked so hard to bring myself to the top. I'd get the highest marks in school and proved my skills to the police agencies in my district. My work was barely enough to impress the men.

They transferred me from agency to agency as my name and talent were becoming more well known to the public.

I could always feel their jealous stares as the boss gave me new cases after another. Who else could solve those cases other than me?

I was much too confident to acknowledge the fact that there was another detective that stayed in the shadows.

For my growing fans, their love is an obsession. I simply take advantage of their obsession and grasp any opportunity when given and found.

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now