Chapter 20

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"You said I wasn't going to be in anymore of Shido's targets!" I screamed, throwing my needles at the shadows. It was a technical but it wasn't enough to kill it.

"Oh? Did you plan that?" He sneered as the shadow stood back up. "I'm not wasting my time with these shadows when I have someone to fight them for me."

"Just who the hell do you think you are?" I turned my head in disbelief. What was going on with him? He's gotten vulgar lately.

"Powerful than you. Now hurry it up before the security rises..." Akechi shot a shadow before leaving me alone.

Just a week ago he was concerned of my well being. Now he shrugs it off. Is he tired of having to help me every mission? I'm not weak... I'm strong too.

Shadows formed around me. They wanted to ambush me... I looked around and saw a silver dish hanging on the wall with other antique platters.

I aimed my gun at the dish and pulled the trigger, making the bullet fly back and hit the shadow's head.

One down. Three to go.

"Achyls! Ravage them!" I summoned my persona and sent her to them. They were dead before they had the chance to recover.

Akechi went to the target. Downstairs wouldn't be the best choice. This target's palace was a whole building. A shady mafia leader that's been providing a candidate with information to sabotage Shido.

I caught up to him after running up the countless flight of stairs. Behind us was a glass wall. I looked at my reflection for a mere second.

I looked worse whenever I was on these missions... I could see little marks on my neck. They were barely noticeable. I know that I'll come back without any fresh wounds.

I'll try my best not to.

Akechi was almost to the top of the building. The target was one to enjoy his wealth. But I don't think the very top would be his office. Escaping would be difficult in reality, so he would have a place hidden just in case.

A hidden office somewhere in this building... Where could it be?

"Akechi, it's not up there."

"What do you mean? Shiniro is up there. I know more than you about this place. You stay back and let me do the work."

Let you do the work? No...

"Listen to me! Shiniro wouldn't want his enemies to corner him in his office because he wanted the best damn view of a fucking city. He'd have his own place to stay hidden like the person he is in reality."

"Reality does not affect his cognition. You'll see that you're wrong. And I was right," Akechi stopped and clenched his fists. I was slowly annoying him.

Up there... It wasn't safe. What if it's a trap? What if there's a powerful shadow instead of our target...?

"Fine. You go that way. I'll investigate the floors..." I said, turning around and shook my head. The gun on my waist seemed to grow heavy for some reason.

"It's stupid to argue in a place like this. Listen to me and let's go," I felt him grab my wrist and turn me around. The claws of his bearing through the fabric like nothing.

"Don't you grab me like that ever again!" I yelled, pushing him away from me with his claws tearing through my skin. I knew he didn't want to scratch me on purpose but the fact that he grabbed me with such animalistic strength angered me.

I took a step back and held my arm around to keep him away from me. I could see his eyes falter a little. He looked almost human. How hilarious...

"Then listen to me. You think you can do whatever you want without thinking of the consequences. You're slowing me down," He degraded me. I could practically feel that chaotic aura of his surround me.

The Detective Princess (Yusuke x reader x Akechi)Where stories live. Discover now