Chapter 1 - Accident

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You were out walking along Manhattan and crossing the street to go to the nearest restaurant. The only thing close by was this place called Shawarma, and you were definitely hungry.

You needed to get your mind off of the anxiety that filled the pit of your stomach, constantly worrying about your brother, Eddie Brock. You hadn't heard from him since that night back at your apartment in San Francisco when those guys were at your place. Apparently you guys had stolen Carlton Drake's property, but you guys had no idea how you even acquired symbiosis or the supernatural abilities you now possessed. This thing was constantly up your ass now.

You were just as terrified and confused as Eddie. Hopefully Annie knew where he was and that he was okay. You only hoped that he was alive and well. You also had no idea about how your symbiosis worked... until today.

You had gotten a Shawarma burger and some fries and they were very very delicious. You didn't even remember the last time you had a good burger!

After you stuck around your table after eating, you finally decided to leave and head over to a nearby park before heading back to the hotel room you were staying in.

As you were strolling down across the street, someone came driving like a mad-man (or woman) violating your safety as a pedestrian.

"Holy shi-" before you had time to react, or even finish your sentence, the car ended up hitting you and injuring you terribly. Your legs were broken, as well as your fingers and you felt that you had a cracked rib.

You looked at your destroyed self in horror, wheezing and panicking in fright. Suddenly, Iron Man and the Avengers landed on the scene and told some worried by-standers to back away. Some people had pulled out their phones to record what was happening, then someone pointed at you.

Slowly but surely, you're body was being healed and put together by a dark purple slimey-goo. People gasped at the sight and the Avengers noticed what was happening to you. When your body was healed, you ended up passing out.

"FRIDAY, check her vitals."


You woke up to someone humming a soft tune and a light beeping. You sat up a bit and slowly opened your eyes, squinting when a bright white light hit your face. You put a hand over your eyes as your head hit the pillow again, groaning tiredly. Where am I? you asked yourself.

It appears we are in a medical ward, a deep yet smooth feminine voice answered in your head. This time, your eyes shot open in fright. You completely forgot that you had a parasite in you. Parasite? PARASITE?! the voice screeched in your head.

"Sorry, sorry, you're not a parasite, Guillotine, my bad", you muttered in annoyance.

Thank you, the growly feminine voice said. You could've sworn you heard her nod her head in approval and smile.

"Oh, you're awake!" someone said in relief with a tone of happiness.

You looked in the direction of the owner of the voice and sat up again as a man in a purple button up shirt with brown greying hair walked over to you with a clipboard in his hand.

"Hi", he said, "I'm Dr. Bruce Banner, but you can call me Bruce." He smiled sheepishly.

"Uhm... hi, Bruce", you said slowly, "I'm Y/N Brock, nice to... meet you?" That came out as more of a question rather than a statement. You mentally scolded yourself. Then it occurred to you: how did you even get here?
You hesitated a moment before speaking up again. "Hey, how did I get here?"

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