Chapter 11 - Shower Thoughts

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Everyone sat in the Quinjet either talking amongst themselves or just sitting quietly. You were blowing raspberries at nothing, not noticing the looks of admiration Loki was giving you. As silly as what you were doing may have seemed, he couldn't help but think that you were very adorable.

For the past few months that you have been staying in Avengers Tower, you and Loki have formed a really close bond with each other, and not long after, he started to gain feelings for you - well actually, he was already gaining them when he first met you. Part of him denied it, but the other part didn't, and that's when he accepted his feelings towards you but he was too stubborn to say anything. Knowing Loki, he was very good at hiding the way he felt, and surprisingly... so were you.

While you seemed jumpy and very fearful at times, you were able to turn off your emotions, but you didn't do it all the time. Not only are you able to just turn them off, but you were also very confusing when it came to expressing your feelings, too. Sometimes you would say something and one wouldn't be able to tell if you were being sarcastic or not (especially in text), and Loki really admired that about you. Oh, how he loved the way your beautiful e/c eyes light up when you laughed or when you talked about something you loved (very cliché, I know), or how adorable you were when you were grumpy or tired - he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you.

Let's not forget how beautiful you are, because whenever he sees you he swears he's going to have a heart attack, as cliché as that may be. You have a beautiful figure, and beautiful h/l, h/c hair and a lovely s/c skin tone and it's just... perfect to him. But most of all, he adored you as a person, and in his eyes, you are perfect. He didn't realize he was staring at you till someone snapped him out of his trance.

"Hey, greasy Romeo! Quit staring at her like that, it's pretty fuckin' creepy", Wade said in a whisper, snapping his fingers in the god's face.

Loki recomposed himself and turned to look at the merc with a cold hard glare, ready to stab him relentlessly. "I was doing no such thing", he hissed back.

"Mhm, sure ya weren't", he replied disbelievingly. Then he turned to the camera and whispered, "He was totally thinking about you." He winked before turning back to a perplexed Loki.

"Who in the Norns are you talking to??"

"You wouldn't understand", Wade hummed, beaming at the god. "Maybe one day you will", he winked once again at the camera. All right now, don't blow your cover, Wade. "I won't, I won't", he giggled.

"Ugh", Loki face palmed himself. He turned to admire you once again, and when he looked in your direction, you just so happened to look at him too. You smiled brightly and waved at him, then proceeded to just be quiet, zoning out, not really thinking about anything. He was wondering what you were thinking about... he hoped it was him.


Why the FUCK is a pizza box square if the pizza is a circle and the slices are triangles?? Oh my god, there are so many unanswered questions...

Y/N, please just take a nap or something, my head hurts, please go to sleep!

I don't need sleep, I need answers!


"Lokes, my precious stabby bean, if you have heart eyes for Y/N, just tell her the three words that she's dying to hear you say", Wade spoke once again in a whisper as to not blow his and Loki's cover and reveal their secret conversation.

Maybe the merc is right.

"Of course I am!"

"I wonder if she's thinking about me..." Loki said absentmindedly but loud enough for Wade to only hear.


There are probably people that are allergic to dinosaurs, but they will never know.

Why must you do this to me, WHY-


Loki sighed dreamily. He is definitely head over heals for you, that's for sure.


I'm back bithez 🤪 did u miss me!?

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I'm back bithez 🤪 did u miss me!?

Jkjk, but seriously it's been a hot minute, but I would like to thank everyone who's been reading and voting 🗳 for this book, it means a lot to me. Thank you  🫂

-M. ♉️❤️

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