Chapter 8 - Not Your Cake pt. II

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"Miss Brock, the pizza has arrived", FRIDAY informed you.

"Thank you!" you said to the AI. "Could you let the rest of the Avengers know that I ordered pizza?"

"Yes, of course", FRIDAY said.

You got up from your chair and down to receive your lunch. Apparently it was okay for anyone to just order food whenever they wanted since Tony gave everyone platinum cards so that was pretty neat.

When you retrieved your pizza and had the salad you prepared (with the help of Steve), Guillotine was still begging you for the chocolate cake, despite the fact that you told her that it wasn't hers nor that you didn't know who it belonged to. Regardless, she seemed determined to eat that cake.

You opened the boxes of pizza and set them out on the counter so the Avengers could take their pick, and speak of the devil. The elevator bell chimed and not a moment later, the Avengers raced to the kitchen, Pietro in the lead (like always).

"Lunch is served, bon apetite", you said in a silly French accent. Everyone dived in and took the piece they wanted and thanked you. "No need to, I was just hungry and ordered pizza, I hope that's alright with you, Mr. Stark."

"Nothing to worry about, kid", he said to you. "And you can just call me Tony."

"Peter calls you Mr. Stark", you said.

"Yeah, well he's my intern but I've told him it's okay to call me Tony."

"Sorry, I'm just so used to calling you Mr. Stark, sir", Peter admitted. "I don't really call adults by their first names unless it's Aunt May. I call some of you guys by your firsts name, don't I?"

"Some of us, you do", Nat said while sipping on some juice.

"It's okay", you reassured Peter while rubbing his back. "We're not just some adults, we're cool with each other. Well... I'm new here to be honest but y'know, they're all good."

"I think you're really cool, Miss Brock", Peter said bashfully.

"Pete, you can just call me Y/N, it's okay", you chuckled.

"Okay, sorry Miss Bro- I mean Y/N."

You ruffled his hair and smiled. Guillotine's head peered over your shoulder and you fed her some of your pizza.

"This stuff is tasty", she said.

"Yes, it is", Loki agreed from across the table. You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Ah yes I quite enjoy this dish, it's delicious", Thor said with a mouthful of the cheesy goodness. "Brother, when we visit Asgard, we should get the cooks to attempt this Midgardian delicacy."

"For once, I actually agree", Loki said.

"Pietro, just eat the pineapple stop picking it off", Wanda scolded her brother in a whisper.

"It's disgusting, I only like the ham on it", Pietro retorted as if he were a child.

Wanda smacked him upside the head. "Eat", she said

Thor finished his slice of pizza and smiled approvingly. "I like it", he said, then he threw his plate on the ground, smashing it to pieces. "Another!"


After lunch was over, you decided to wander around the tower, in hopes of finding a library. To your luck, you did! It seemed empty so you had some peace and quiet. The library was large and it was very tidy with a whole bunch of bookshelves and some tables and couches and it had a fire place, too.

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