Chapter 6 - The Call

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Warning: mentions of pills/medication, sensitive topic of an abusive childhood


"E-Eddie, i-is that you?" you stammered.

"Yeah, yeah it's... it's me."

"Oh my goodness, what the Hell, Eds! I was worried sick about you!" you cried.

"Is she okay-"

"SHHHHHH!" the group whisper yelled furiously, shushing Pietro. Wanda smacked him upside the head for talking whilst you were on the phone.

"Ack! What was that for?!" he whispered to his twin, rubbing the back of his head where she had hit him.

"Shhh! She's on the phone, now shut up!" she replied back in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, well I... I- who needs meds, I'm fine!" you continued on the phone. "Anyways, how are you? I thought you were dead, dumbass!"

"Well I kinda might've... lost my phone and dropped it somewhere, so now it's cracked, but it still works. Now, have you been taking your meds or not?" Eddie asked you.

" But why should I? My anxiety's okay, it's not that bad, I swear!" you reassured him.

Eddie sighed on the other line. "Well, alright... I just want you to be okay. You're my little sister, I don't want anything bad happening to you."

"Eds, I swear to you, I'm fine. I have a symbiotic being in me like you do, so how much worse could things get, amirite?" you chuckled.

"Yeah, this thing's been up my ass", he chuckled.

"Oh my gosh, I know. Tell me about it", you muttered. "Mine gets so offended when I call her a parasite, she hates it!"

"Yeah, Venom doesn't like it, either."

"Because it's mean when you call me that", a voice growled on the other end.

"Is that-"

"Venom? Yep."

"Hello, Venom", Guillotine said to the phone. "It is I, Guillotine."

"Guillotine?" Venom asked.


"Wow, two aliens communicating with each other on the phone, that's... that's funny", you laughed. The Avengers couldn't believe their ears. What the Hell was happening??

"How's Annie?" you asked. "She hasn't answered any of my calls either."

"She's uh... she's with Dan."

"Who the Hell is Dan?"

"Her new boyfriend."

"Yikes! Sorry bro", you winced. "That oughta hurt.

"He still loves her", Venom said.


"It's true."

"Maybe she'll come back to you", you reassured him.

"Oh we will get her back", Venom growled mischievously.

"Okay, you say another thing about my love life and there will be no Tater-Tots for you tonight", Eddie warned.

You couldn't help but laugh at their bickering. It was so much like you and Guillotine's relationship.

"So where are you?" your brother asked, wanting to change the subject.

"I am at... the Avengers Tower", you said slowly while fidgeting with the end of your shirt as you chuckled nervously.

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