Chapter 4 - Reattched

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Saturday morning, you woke up early from a raging sense of hunger, so you quickly got out of bed and raced towards the kitchen looking for anything to eat when you spotted a pile of pancakes on a plate that Deadpool had made. He was wearing his mask and a maid dress with a fancy white apron overtop his suit.

"Hey, sweet cheeks!" he chirped. "I made some pancakes, hope you like em!"

"Oh! Thank you... what was your name again?" you asked nervously, not wanting to be rude.

"Wade", he smiled from behind his mask. You could tell he was smiling cause the eyes of his mask made him look that way.

"Wade, yes! Thank you", you smiled again.

"Hey, how does my ass look in this?" he asked, referring to his maid costume as he twisted his head to look at his rear.

"Uh... good, I guess?" you stammered in confusion while shrugging. Wow, what kinda question was that anyways? Never been asked that before first thing in the morning.

The eyes of his masked squinted at you for a moment then he put a finger near where his mouth would be and he smiled again. "Mm, yes, my ass does look good in this", he beamed before slapping it.

You chuckled nervously when your stomach began growling. You went to get a take two pancakes when Tony came in with a cup of coffee and took the pancake you were about to grab and stuffed it in his mouth.

You internally growled, or- no wait- you growled out loud but you swiftly turned it into a cough, masking your annoyance towards Tony taking your pancake. He just chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"Mornin' Slimer", he said.

You quirked an eyebrow and laughed a bit. "Slimer? From Ghostbusters? Really?"

"Stark gives nicknames to everyone, you'll get used to it", Steve said as he walked in the kitchen.

"Morning to you too, Capsicle", Stark said to the captain, earning an eye roll from him. "How ya doin'?" Tony said as he turned to you.

"I... am actually okay", you nodded with an incredulous smile. "I know, it's weird, 'What do you mean you're okay, Y/N, you're on the verge of dying!' Well rest assured because I feel good today! Just hungry is all."

Your stomach growled again more furiously than it did before and you grabbed another pancake and put it on your plate, then you strode over to the island table and began harffing them down, one by one as the rest of the Avengers piled in and watched in amazement at how fast you were eating.

Mmm yes, food!

"I know, right? These are so good!" you said through muffled mouthfuls of pancakes.


The rest of the Avengers who came into the kitchen (aside from Tony, Steve, and Wade) looked at you strangely. You looked up and caught their gaze with wide eyes.

"What?" you asked.

"Are you talking to the symbiote again?" Steve said with a quirked brow and narrowed eyes.

"What?? Pffft no!" you exclaimed, dragging out the 'o' with a nervous laugh. "I would never-" Suddenly a red whisp surrounded you as you felt your mind was being read, courtesy of Wanda.

Yeah, so Guillotine came back to you through the vents the night before...


After you bid Loki goodnight, you headed back to your room, totally unaware that Guillotine was lingering in the vents that were in your room. You had gotten back into your comfortable bed and stared up at the ceiling, hoping to fall asleep.

You're Not a Monster, You're Beautiful: Loki x Fem!Reader Where stories live. Discover now