<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
I wake up to a splitting headache... Ugh! I'm not drinking alcohol again! I hear snoring... Oh my god! I'm completely naked! There's my clothes and the guys on the floor! Oh my god! What have I done?!
I quietly got dressed and ran for it to the river. It's a really nice place to be of a morning... The sun is just rising over the little waterfall, it's completely gorgeous.
I have my fresh air and I walk back to my parents mansion, I sneak through my bedroom window. I unlock my bedroom door, because in case I came back too late I locked it.
I don't feel too good... I think I'm going to puke... I run to the bathroom I know, I'm not pregnant there was a used condom on the floor, plus it takes a good week to get pregnant. Oh my god, what about Jack?! I'm a terrible girlfriend!
My Mom walks into my bathroom and sees me being sick. She looks calm.
"Must have been the alcohol, sweetie. Anna didn't drink, did she?" Mom asks panicking about Anna.
"I lost Anna in the crowd." I sigh.
"Is she back yet?" I ask my Mom.
"No, I didn't hear you come in either." Mom raises a brow.
"I took my heels off trying not to wake anybody," I lie.
"Ok then, I will just go fetch you some aspirin," Mom smiles walking out of my bathroom.
I feel so sick. I feel dizzy as hell. I can just about crawl. I crawl to my bed and lie down under the covers. Mom comes back with a glass of water and a pill.
"Thank you, Mom. I need this...I feel ill," I sigh. Mom places the back of her hand on my head.
"You do feel quite warm," Mom worries.
"How much did you drink?" Mom asks.
"I...don't remember...I don't remember who's party it was..." I say thinking hard.
"Don't think too hard or you'll give yourself a headache!" Mom says smiling.
Mom gave me breakfast in bed, I thanked her. I suddenly feel weak like I'm gonna be sick again luckily the mop bucket it next to me. I struggle to keep my eyes open. I can't, so I let them close and I fall to sleep.
<<<JACK'S POV>>>
I wake up under the covers of a bed. It's not mine! I jump up and see all my clothes are scattered on the floor, but no one else! Phew! I thought I had sex with someone for a sec--
Wait a minute! What's that by the door?! It's a condom... That hasn't been used! Shit! Please don't tell me that I did have sex with someone! I did, didn't I?
Oh god! I can remember parts! Elsa! What about Elsa?! How will she react?! Will she be mad?! Will she her heart weaken on her again?! I can't tell her!
I get dressed quickly. I look around for everyone else. I can see Merida and Hiccup on the floor, I wake them up.
"Guys! Wake up!" I shake Merricup.
"Wha?" Merida and Hiccup look at each other and jump back.
"You were the one that was dry humping me!" Merida exclaimed.
"Er...guys...we kinda gotta go find the rest," I say breaking them apart from and argument.
Me, Hiccup and Merida are looking for Anna, Elsa, Flynn, Kristoff and Rapunzel. We go out to the garden and see Kristanna snuggling on the floor in a blanket.
Merida shakes Anna and Hiccup shakes Kristoff waking them up while I skim look around for Flynn, Rapunzel or Elsa...
Me, Anna, Kristoff, Hiccup and Merida are looking around for Rapunzel, Flynn and Elsa. Anna stops and looks on the door of a bedroom to find words in lipstick.
'Flyunnzel have this one! 💋'
Oh fuck! They had sex! Uh oh! All of us enter and flick the bedroom light on and Flyunzel are shocked at what they had done. I didn't expect them to do it!
After an hour none of us find Elsa! I'm really worried! She wouldn't drive home, would she?! What am I saying I drove her here!
"Maybe, she already left the party?" Flynn asks.
"She could have..." Anna says.
Ever since, we found out that Flynn and Punzie had sex. They haven't spoke to each other. Really awkward between all of us. Please, please let Elsa have gotten home safely.
*Arriving at the Arrendelle Winters residence*
We have just arrived at the Arrendelle Winters mansion. I knock on the door to see a very worried Idun.
"Mom, are you ok?" Anna asks.
Idun jumps forward and tackled Anna in a hug.
"God, Anna! You had me worried! You're lucky your Dad went in the business trip! Elsa is a bit sick, but--" Idun is cut off.
"Wait! Elsa's sick?" Anna asks worried.
Me, Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida and Hiccup run to Elsa's room. We heard something coming from the bathroom. I opened the door to see Elsa vomiting.
"Els? You ok?" Rapunzel asks.
"You scared me! I'm fine, it's just the alcohol..." Elsa sighs looking down.
"You sure you're ok?" Kristoff asks with a brow raised.
"Honestly, I'm fine! I just need some sleep..." Elsa yawns.
"We will leave you to it..." Flynn says.
"J-Jack, c-can I speak to y-you a minute?" Elsa stutters I nod. I have to tell her!
<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
Everyone has left apart from Jack. He locks the bedroom door... Weird...
"Elsa, I have a confession to make..." Jack sighs nervously.
"I-I do too..." I stutter.
"I understand if you break up with me..." Jack says with a tear down his cheek.
"Why w-would I b-break up w-with you?" I stutter.
Why can't I stop stuttering?!
"I...I...had..." Jack says looking away.
"I had sex with someone else..." Jack looks away.
"Jack, I'm not breaking up with you! I have a confession too..." I look down with a tear making it's way down my cheek.
"I did too!" I cry putting my head in my hands.
"That's not the worst part..." Jack is now crying too.
"I didn't use protection! I'm a bad boyfriend..." Jack cries.
"You're not! Mine did at least...the thing was by the door." I say.
"Wait! Was there a blue and yellow wrapping to it?!" Jack asked wide eyed and shocked.
"I think so--" I realised it now!
"I HAD SEX WITH YOU?!" Me and Jack say shocked wide eyed at each other.
Hi guys! 😊 Sorry for such a short chappie! 😔 Jelsa did it! 😳 What about Flynn and Punzie? 😳 Hiccup and Merida? 😳 And added with Kristanna! 😁 Keep updated for the next part! ☺️

Jelsa in High School
FanfictionAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...