<<<JACK'S POV>>>
Elsa has now got a little bit of a baby bump showing. She looks cute and the townspeople of Arrendelle have noticed. We are all packing for the departure to...Overland! My home country!
"Elsa? You ready?" I ask.
"Almost... " I can hear her struggle.
Elsa is trying to get her suitcase out the door. I cross my arms and tap my foot on the floor impatiently. Elsa sees me and starts to act innocent.
"Elsaaaa, what did I tell you?" I say sternly.
"Ummm...I can't remember..." Elsa says innocently.
"Elsaaaaaaa," I drag her name for her to get the message.
"Oh, c'mon I have to do something for myself every once in a while," Elsa pouted.
"You look cute when you pout," I smirk.
I took her suitcase and she groaned in annoyance. She is probably going to give me the silent treatment! Great, just great! Note the sarcasm. Elsa just went on the cruise ship in silence not speaking.
I jumped, I thought Elsa went overboard there for a second. I sighed in relief. It was just Anna being hyper.
"We are going to our kingdom! Jack, isn't this exciting?!" Emma squealed.
"It sure is!" I smile down at my 10 year old sister.
Everything is packed for our journey to Overland. I see Elsa enter the cruise ship. She looks quite tired. Maybe sleep deprived? I follow her and she doesn't seem to notice.
Elsa enters the room that we have scheduled. I walk in and close the door lightly and see Elsa is out cold asleep like I have never seen! She must be exhausted... I get her a full roast dinner and leave it on the side for her to wake up.
Me, being me. THE Prince Jackson of Overland, Jackson Overland Frost and so on I left a little note for her. I'm quite cheesy to Elsa and she giggles like she has seen Adam Sandler try communicate with a goat.
<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
I wake up to a plate on the side with a note? I'm quite curious at this, so I pick up the note. Could be from Anna about the wedding, could be Punzie about yet another congratulations note, Merida for giving Jack the silent treatment, my parents for the doctor thing? Oh, most likely Jack.
'My Love,
There are days when I lie awake in bed and wonder,
How could I have gotten so lucky?
You came into my life like those princess fairytales,
And you made my life feel so complete,
So, now that I know I've got you to myself, I know for sure
I am forever yours and you are forever mine...With love,
Frostie 😉'Wow, Jack that is so romantic! But he is becoming more and more cheesy! I hug the note like my life depends on his words of love. I start to wonder, how am I so lucky? I know this may seem weird and all, but I thank Pitch! He was the one that sent me to that school... Forget him from now on!
Jack walks in and looks at me with his puppy eyes. I walk over to him slowly and place one hand on his cheek softly. I smile and kiss him. He respond immediately to my kiss. Of course, he would! He loves my kisses, as he says.
Me and Jack walk out hand-in-hand and see we aren't actually far from Overland! It looks like we have 10 minutes! I start getting excited and Jack chuckles.
We all go and get dressed into our royal outfits. I am wearing my future coronation dress for this. I put my hair in a bun and look at myself in the mirror. Jack is in his light blue, dark blue and white suit. He straightens himself out. He sees me and smiles. Jack walks over picks up my crown and places it on my head with full concentration.
We walk out and the ship stops at the docks of Overland. The townspeople are exactly the same as how the townspeople of Arrendelle were. Excited, cheering, shocked, gobsmacked and many other emotions.
We walk up to the palace gates and a huge group of girls about 15-17 are all drooling over my Jack! I feel jealous. I could slap them right now! Jack grabs my hand and smiles, I smile back. Those girls are glaring at me and I roll my eyes.
<<<JACK'S POV>>>
I see those girls glaring at my Elsa! Nobody does that to my girl! I am getting pissed myself, because a group of boys 15-17 are whistling at Elsa! She doesn't seem bothered. Okay, that's it!
"I'd appreciate it, if you didn't whistle at my fiancée and glare at her!" I say angrily.
"Fiancée?!" They all say shocked.
"Yes, fiancée!" I say.
I peck Elsa on the lips and she blushes a red shade of red. I enter the palace gates and the castle...it's freaking huge!
"Welcome home, your majesty!" A guard bows to Dad.
"Frederick! How has Overland been?" Dad asks patting Fredrick's back.
"Under control," He chuckles.
"These can't be Prince Jackson and Princess Emma?!" He says shocked looking at Hiccup and Emma.
"Actually, I'm Prince Jackson!" I chuckle.
"Sorry! My mistake!" He says ashamed and embarrassed.
"No need, my friend!" Dad smiles.
The guard Fredrick goes back to his original post guarding the gates. Everyone is admiring our castle, I have to admit it's quite fine! Mom is looking at Dad smiling. They kiss each other and Emma starts squealing. Dad is chuckling and Mom is giggling.
"Can we keep it PG 13 here, please?" I ask a little embarrassed.
"Son, you were doing the same 6 minutes ago!" Mom sasses.
"Still got that fire, huh love?" Dad smirks.
"You know it," Mom smirks back.
"Embarrassed, Jackie?" Emma giggles.
"No, petrified!" I exaggerate.
We enter the castle I can remember a few about the castle. Above us is a clear diamond chandelier! The floor is white marble with bits of cyan/ocean blue blocks that go into squares from the wall all the way to the middle.
"Just like I remember it," Mom smiles.
"Oh, Ellen! I mean, Queen Ellen," A maid bows.
"Oh, Julie! You know I hate the formalities," Mom sighed.
"Would you like David to do the tour?" The maid asks politely.
"Yes, please, Julie," Mom and Dad say smiling.
Here we go on our long tour...
Hi guys! 😊 Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've had to prepare for my new school in Scotland! 😴 I start soon! 😵 I will try and update frequently for y'all! ☺️

Jelsa in High School
FanfictionAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...