It's been 6 months since Elsa gave birth to Little Snow. She is a very cheery baby. She is giggling constantly and she is quite cute. Poor Jack! The baby will be elegant like her mother.
Oh, did I mention I'm exactly 9 months pregnant today? No? Well, now you know! Eugene is getting on my nerves watching me like a stalker. I'm not exaggerating either!
I go to the art room in Corona Palace. I start to paint a picture of me holding a little baby with Eugene in the summer just in front of the palace.
I smile widely, I love this picture. I let it dry. I carry it to the baby's room and hang it up. I look around and it's just like my room when I was a baby. Sun mobil above the the mint green crib, mint green pram in the corner, multicolour light shade and much more.
I look around and admire the room. It's gonna be perfect for our little one. I've had the odd few pains today, but I'm getting them again, but worser than earlier. And my water just broke! I'm in labour! Time for our little girl to be born! I walk over to the door and try opening it. It won't open!
"MOM! DAD! EUGENE! HELP!" I shout.
"PUNZIE?!" I hear a panicked masculine voice.
"HELP!" I shout again.
"RAPUNZEL?!" I can hear three voices on the other side of the door.
BANG! BANG! BANG! I groan in agony. I'm on the floor leaning against the crib.
"RAPUNZEL! DON'T WORRY, WE WILL BE IN!" Dad shouts from the other side of the door.
The banging goes on for like 10 minutes. I can hear them all panicking on the other side of the door. I scream in pain.
"PUNZIE?!" Eugene shouts worried.
I scream again. The pain is getting worser by the second. I hear Mom say that I'm probably at the stage of giving birth. I can sense their panic from this side of the door.
More bang come minutes later. I'm now pushing. I can just sit here and wait. If the baby comes, the baby comes. I scream again, a bigger waves of pain. I'm now moaning and screaming in pain. I give one last big push and I scream loudly and I hear a cry.
"RAPUNZEL?!" I hear Mom shout.
I'm sweating like a pig too. I feel so unhygienic right now. I see the baby, she has brown hair and brown eyes. I pick her up and smile. I slowly and carefully get the mint green dress and put it on her.
I sit back on the bed with my new little baby in my arms. I smile at her and I start to feel drowsy after all the pushing. The baby is now sound asleep. I start to close my eyes when BOOM the door finally opens. I see three people run to me, before they reach me I black out...
I was searching for Punzie. I check the gardens, main sitting area, library and even the art room. Just when I exit the art room, I hear a distant female voice.
"MOM! DAD! EUGENE! HELP!" I hear a voice shout.
That voice! It's sounded like...PUNZIE!
"PUNZIE?!" I shout at the top of my lungs.
I hear a scream! I run to the scream and as I do Primrose and Edward are running with me.
"HELP!" We hear.
We all follow the calls for help. We followed the call and it lead us to the baby's bedroom?
"RAPUNZEL?!" Me, Edward and Primrose shout in unison.
The door is jammed and HER WATER BROKE?! Oh no no no no no! This is bad, we need to get in there like NOW!
I start bashing the door to get in. BANG! BANG! I try kicking the door open and it doesn't work! What is wrong with this door?! I hear a loud groan of agony.
Me and Edward are bashing the door. It's not even bugging one tiny bit! We continue doing this for like 10 minutes. We are all panicking really badly. As we are about to barge into the door again, we hear a scream of pain.
"PUNZIE?!" I shout worriedly.
Another scream of pain. We are panicking even more now. They sound painfuller each time like pain is increasing.
"Oh, god! She could be at the stage of actually giving birth!" Primrose says shocked and worried.
I panic even more from hearing that! We are panicking a lot more. We continued to bash the door until Edward called for the guards.
They come running immediately. They are now bashing the door 4 of them. IT STILL ISN'T BUDGING! The Doctor is out here too. He is concerned himself too. Another scream of pain, it's hurting me so much hearing Punzie like that. Then, the biggest scream comes and I hear a tiny cry. It suddenly becomes quiet...too quiet for my liking.
"RAPUNZEL?!" Primrose shouts.
No reply. It's just completely quiet like there's no one there at all. I'm worried, I can feel tears running down my face uncontrollably. BOOM! The door finally opens. Me, Primrose and Edward run to Rapunzel who falls down to the floor unconscious.
I run to her, Primrose picks up the baby and checks her. I pick up Punzie and run into the doctors office in the palace.
I'm now in the baby's room. Edward and Primrose are having a new door fitted. I pick up the baby in my arms. She has my hazel brown hair and eyes. She has Punzie's cute nose and mouth. I start thinking of a name for her. Me and Punzie picked out two actually either Hazel or Summer, but if her name was Summer I would picture her with emerald green eyes and golden blonde hair.
I carry the baby carefully to Rapunzel. I'm sure she would want to see our new little baby girl. I'm smiling widely and the guards smile and nod.
I'm now sitting next to Rapunzel. She is fast asleep after giving birth to this little angel in my arms. I hold Rapunzel's hand and smile at my girls.
"That's your Mommy! Yes it is," I coo to our little baby girl.
"And that's your Daddy!" Someone says.
I jump out my skin. I turn my head to see Rapunzel is wide awake now. I didn't even realise it until now! Sneaky, much?
"Hey, honey! How you doing?" I ask.
"Other than giving birth? Fine," Rapunzel sassed.
"Wow! Sassy, much?" I mutter.
"Wow! Childish, much?" Rapunzel says.
We start laughing at each other. The baby starts laughing at us too. We are laughing and cooing her.
"We still have to pick from Summer and Hazel," I say.
"How about Hazel?" Punzie smiles.
"Definitely, Hazel! Hazel brown hair and eyes," I smile.
"Princess Hazel? I like it," Punzie giggles.
Now, we have our little baby girl in the world with us right now. Princess Hazel of Corona and Fitzherbert Isles. We are now a family, of course, we were before, but not with a child of our own. I'm happy that my future was to be with Punzie, my one true love.
Hi guys 😊 This is the finally ever chappie ever! 😭 The epilogue will be sometime today 😭😪 That means that...'Jelsa Running with the stripper' is coming out! 😁 Jelsa: Once a long time ago 😉 I have a maths exam tomorrow so no updates for tomorrow 😭

Jelsa in High School
FanficAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...