Sequel Chapter 20: Evacuation and war!

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<<<JACK'S POV>>>

Elsa is now half way through the pregnancy. We did want the baby's gender secret, but we kind of can't since Pabbie told us. She has quite a baby bump. It's adorable!

I will admit that I'm being very overprotective, but who can really blame me? I just want my wife and unborn child safe in my care.

It's been quite some time since Anna recovered her memory. I have been doing my King duties in Arrendelle. Sometime ago, I found out Elsa was sneakily doing work.

I am just about to go and check on Elsa. I don't want any harm to my family. I walk to our room, she isn't there. I end up walking all around the castle. I bump into Kristoff.

"Hey, Kristoff," I greet.

Kristoff shakes my hand. Kristoff became Prince of Arrendelle quite some time ago.

"Hey, bro! What's up?" He asks.

I sigh heavily.

"You haven't by any chance happened to see Elsa, have you?" I ask.

Kristoff thinks for a minute. Then, he shakes his head cluelessly. I sigh heavily. Kristoff clicks his fingers.

"Anna might!" Kristoff smiles.

I face palm. Kristoff laughs. I thank him and look around the castle for Anna. I finally found Anna in the playroom with Amber.

"Hey, Anna!" I smile.

Anna turns and smiles. She leaves Amber to play with the Barbie dolls.

"Hey, Jack!" Anna said bubbly.

"Hey, Anna. Have you seen your sister?" I ask.

Anna shook her head. She looked so confused. She was tapping her chin probably thinking of where she could possibly be.

"What about her ice palace?" Anna shrugged.

I face palm. Why didn't I even think of that?! I thought that I told Elsa don't go too far?! I grab my staff and fly off to the ice palace.

I land just before the stairs to the huge palace doors. I run up the stairs and enter the palace. I see Elsa immediately and she is just walking around.


Elsa jumps and turns to me. She groans and I have my strict and stern facial expression and posture.

"Uh...J-Jack? What are you doing here?" Elsa asked nervously.

I raise a brow at her. I can practically sense her nervousness if I was in a different galaxy.

"Didn't I say don't go too far?" I said strictly.

"" Elsa lied.

I gave her my stern look. She was pouting, as cute as the pout is I'm going to stay strict!

"Come on, Snowflake. We need to head back home!" I said.

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