<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
We are playing dodge ball, it's boys vs girls! Tiana took out Naveen with a splat to the face. His face was priceless! Until J3 Black hit the ball of Tiana's butt! He is alright, but a bit of a perv.
There are still 10 girls and 9 boys the remaining girls are:
- Me
- Anna
- Merida
- Belle
- Taylor
- Cinderella
- Vanessa
- Tooth
- Emily
- JasmineUnfortunately, Rapunzel got hit on her left arm. Merida is letting off steam big time. Did I tell you the group asked me to join? We are now...The Big Eight!
Anyways, the 9 remaining boys are:
-BunnyIt's starting to get epic! I see Jack trying to get me, but I dodge it easily. Kristoff tries, but once again, I dodge it. Wow, this is easy!
"ANNA! LOOK OUT!" I hear Tooth shout.
<<<ANNA'S POV>>>
I am dodging and throwing balls. I'm having a lot of fun! Kristoff is trying to distract me, but it won't work! Hopefully it doesn't or it would be a disaster. All I heard was...
"ANNA! LOOK OUT!" I think it was Tooth.
I turned and something hit me in the nose and it started to bleed. I saw a lot of people running over to me. Before they reached me, I fall and black out.
I'm running to Anna. She suddenly falls and I catch her in time, before she hits the floor. I take her to the nurse, because coach ordered. Elsa and the gang had to stay behind the coach's orders.
The nurse is currently putting a cast over my beautiful Anna's nose. I bet she will freak out. My heart feels crushed to see Anna lying unconscious on a nurses bed. It really pains me to see Anna like this...
I hope Anna will be okay. When I find the bastard that did this! I will put them to their end... Well, not that far, but they will get beaten black and blue.
Suddenly, Hans is rushed in by his group. He's been beaten up bad wonder when that happened? Wait...wasn't he in PE? If he was the one that threw that dodge ball, I swear to God!
<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
"Who did that to Anna Arrendelle? Boys?" Coach Winston asks seriously.
"Weren't me!" Hiccup says.
"Why would I hit Anna in the face with a dodge ball like that?!" Jack says angrily.
"I wouldn't do such a thing!" Naveen exclaims.
"I wouldn't hit a girl all together!" Aladdin says with crossed arms.
"I wouldn't and I won't!" Jake Black said through gritted teeth.
"My, my... Poor Anna..." Hans says innocently.
"IT WAS YOU?!" I shout pointing at Hans.
Hans smirks and claps nodding his head. I run to him and start slapping, kicking and punching. I can't control myself!
"ELSA! CALM DOWN!" Jack shouts dragging me back from Hans.
"Fuck you!" I say uncontrollably in a very scary tone of voice.
"Oh my god! Her eyes have turned red! Her hair is black!" Taylor exclaims.
I run off through the schools field. I see a lake with a bridge. I stand in the middle of the bridge and cry. My tears fall onto the water of the lake creating ripples.

Jelsa in High School
FanficAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...