<<<JACK'S POV>>>
"Well, at least it was me and you, and not with anyone else..." I sighed in relief.
"You actually have a good point, Jack." Elsa sighed in relief.
"I will never have alcohol again...until the next party..." Elsa says.
"You're killing me, Snowflake!" I burst out laughing. She joins in.
"So, how was your first drink?" I ask.
"It was...okay...I guess," Elsa says wearily.
"You should try tequila! That stuff is strong as hell!" I chuckle.
"Uh...I'll just stick with wine," Elsa giggles.
"You're a party pooper," I pout.
"Aww, is the Jacky Wacky pouting?" Elsa says in a baby voice.
"I think I'm going--" Elsa stops mid sentence and runs to the bathroom.
"Hey, you okay, Snowflake?" I ask worried.
"Mom said it's just first time of having alcohol phase," Elsa sighs.
After 1pm me and Elsa exit the room and stride towards the living room. We walk in hand in hand. On the couches is Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida, Hiccup, Anna and Kristoff.
"It's Kristanna!" Elsa squeals like a fan girl.
"Uh...Hi Elsa!" Kristoff and Anna say not taking their eyes off each other.
"Anna, Kristoff... Elsa isn't on your faces!" I chuckle and everyone joins in, but Kristanna just blushes.
"Oh yeah, Jelsa!" Flynn smirks.
"Oh yeah, Flynnunzel!" I come back smirking.
"Oh yeah, Merricup," Rapunzel says.
"Hey! Why are you bringing us in it?" Hiccup asks.
"Maybe, because you were dry humping Merida!" I chuckle.
"Well! Flynnunzel had sex!" Merricup exclaim.
"Err...Kristanna are finally a couple!" Flynnunzel exclaim.
"What happened with, Jelsa?" They all question.
I go pale and mine and Elsa's eyes widen in shock.
"N-Nothing," me and Elsa say quickly.
"Something did!" Anna says.
"N-No, it didn't!" Elsa stutters nervously and ice spikes begin to creep out of the walls.
"Snowflake! Calm down," I try calming Elsa down.
Elsa sits down and breathes in and out until the ice spikes have gone. Everyone is giving me and Elsa questioning looks. I shake my head.
"You ok, Snowflake?" I ask worriedly wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
"Quite alright, Jack," Elsa smiles.
I bet everyone will be wondering what happened between us... I hope they don't find out...
Hi guys! 😊 So much drama, don't you think? 😬 Do you think the rest will find out what happened with Jelsa? 🤔 Read the next update hopefully tomorrow!

Jelsa in High School
FanfictionAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...