<<<ANNA'S POV>>>
*Time skip*
It's been 2 weeks since Elsa was stabbed, she should wake up today. I really miss her, she is my sister after all. Only 1 minute until the bell rings. Today me, Jack, Hiccup, Merida and Rapunzel are visiting Elsa too. The Guardians surprisingly did too, they even brought Elsa blue and white roses!
Now 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. RING! RING! I didn't care after that, I just ran for my life to Punzie's car. Me, Merida and Punzie are taking her care to the hospital. While Flynn, Jack and Hiccup are taking Jack's car.
*Time skip*
Finally after 20 minutes. We arrived at the hospital. I just ran until I was room 311, which is Elsa's. My parents were already in there, I gotta admit...they look like crap. I don't think they have had any sleep. I wouldn't blame them. A doctor came in and tried to wake up Elsa. I was getting excited! It didn't work... They tried again... It didn't work.
A nurse looked worried at the doctor and the doctor shook his head. I started to cry. Why did this happen to you, Elsa? Why you? Was it me? Why couldn't it have been me and not Elsa?
"This is all my fault!" I cry.
"Anna, it's not your fault..." Hiccup tried to calm me down.
"IT IS MY FAULT! SHE STOOD IN FRONT OF ME TO STOP HIM GETTING ME! DON'T YOU START WITH IT'S NOT YOUR FAUT ANNA! BECAUSE IT GOD DAMN IS!" I scream at the top of my lungs and I collapse crying to the floor. I crawl next to Elsa's side and hold her hand.
"I'm sorry, Elsa...I'm so sorry...It's all my fault...It's all my fault..." I cry everyone puts their head down and closes their eyes, I do the same.
"A-Anna it's n-not your fault..." Someone says softly.
My head shoots up along with everyone else's. ELSA IS ALIVE!
"ELSA!" I scream at the top of my lungs happily.
"I knew you wouldn't leave me!" I cry tears of joy.
"I w-wouldn't leave a-any of you..." Elsa replies softly.
"Er...Excuse me Miss Elsa...Do you have any conditions we don't have in the database as a definite condition?" The doctor asked curiously I raise my brow Elsa sits up.
"Actually I do, Doc. I have amnesia from when I was five I was in a car crash," Elsa explained.
"But, we never got in a car crash," Mom replied worried.
<<<JACK'S POV>>>
"But, we were never in a car crash," Idun replied worried.
"No, not with you, Mrs Arrendelle. I was in one with my Dad..." Elsa trailed off letting a single tear slide down her rosy cheeks.
I hand her a tissue and give her a reassuring smile.
"How did it happen?" Doctor Jones asked. Elsa's eyes widen in shock.
"I don't want to talk about it..." Elsa panicked.
Doctor Jones nodded as if he understood the situation.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember you..." Elsa cried to her sister, Mom and Dad.
"It's not your fault, sweetie. He did this to you..." Adgar smiled reassuringly.
"So lassie? Why did ent ye whant ta say it?" Merida asked curiously.
Suddenly, the temperature dropped in the room. Ice was creeping it's way up the walls. But, it's not me... My head turns to Elsa. She runs and grabs the gloves that sat on the counter next to her.
"Elsa, we are going to try help you remember!" Idun declared.
"Even if I takes an eternity!" Anna exaggerated.
We all laugh at that comment. We all think for a while until Anna started jumping up and down excitedly.
🎵 Song starts 🎵 (Just Anna singing)
Elsa? *knocks on table*
Do you want to build a snowman?
C'mon let's go and play!
I never see you anymore,
Come out the door it's like you've gone away!
We used to be best buddies and now were not,
I wish you would tell me why,
Do you wanna build a snowman,
*Cups hands around mouth* It's doesn't have to be a snowman!🎵 Song ends 🎵
<<<ELSA'S POV>>>
Anna just finished the song, I start to feel dizzy. I remember building a snowman with Anna. Everyone looks at me like they have seen a dead body.
"Hi, I am Olaf and I like warm hugs!" I says in another voice.
"YOU REMEMBER OLAF!" Anna jumps up and down excitedly.
I smirk at her comment, but I feel dizzy again. I sit on the bed. My vision is starting to go blurry.
"Elsa are you ok?" Punzie asked worried.
"Don't worry about..." Before I could finish, I collapsed and black out.
I can see me in a nice, big bedroom. Where am I? I see a little girl with strawberry blonde hair I recognise her almost immediately...Anna.
"Pst! Elsa! Wake up! Wake up!" Anna says excitedly shaking the little me.
"Anna, go back to sleep..." The little me groans.
"I can't! The sky's awake! So, I'm awake, so we have to play!" Anna exaggerates.
"Go play by yourself!" The little me chuckles pushing Anna off the bed onto the floor I chuckle at her facial expression.
She's thinking and then her face lights up. Anna climbs onto of the little me again pulls one of my eyelids open gently.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Anna asked cheerily.
Me and Anna are running down the stairs, Anna starts shouting excited I tell her shush. We run into the room with the big chandelier. We close the door.
"Do the magic! Do the magic!" Anna says excited. I play with my hands and she stares in awe.
"Ready?" Little me asks. She nods in approval. I throw the snowball I created in my hands up making it snow.
"This is amazing!" Little Anna shouts.
After hours of teaching little Anna how to skate. We built Olaf our favourite snowman. Funny snowball fights with a lot of snowballs hitting Anna in the face. Pretending to ski down the snow hills.
There was a big smash at the big window in the middle of the room. Me and Anna look behind us. I tell Anna hide behind the snow hill.
"H-Hello?" I stutter in fear.
I hear Anna scream I see her run out and a man in full black chasing after her. I run in front of Anna.
"NO! ANNA!" I shout at the top of my lungs.
He smirks, Anna screams for Mama and Papa.
The man quickly grabs little me and sticks me in a black bag. My parents burst through the door shouting thing at the top of their lungs like STOP or ELSA or NO.
He jumps out the window before my parents could reach my one little arm that was in the black bag. I cried to myself and then I think to myself 'You saved Anna! Your family comes first!' I stopped cry and though of how much fun me and Anna had.
The guy came to a halt and bumped into someone. I hear two gasps, I tried to say help me, but I had tape round me mouth. I then hear things like STOP and GET BACK HERE.
*End of flashback*
Hi guys! 😊 Sorry you had to wait so long for this update! 😣 I am moving schools and have meetings and things! 😴 I hope this has made it up to you! 😊

Jelsa in High School
FanfictionAt the age of five - Elsa is kidnapped and beaten by her pretend ''father''. Soon enough she meets The Big Five and Pitch has Elsa completely brainwashed will Elsa survive HighSchool? Will her secrets escape? Will she ever be with her real family ag...