Chapter 17: Joker's Circus

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Ozpin: "I know that you are extremely concerned for your teammate, but please try and understand that this may be a trap."

Blake: "Yes, we know that.'s the right thing to do."

Blake said with determination.

Weiss: "Ruby was innocent in all this, professor. It doesn't make sense for Yang to die too."

Ozpin: "I've had this conversation with Yang already. Miss Schnee, it was Ruby's decision to go after her father. Unfortunately she paid her life for her mistake."

Blake: "Well, what would you have done if he was holding a loved one hostage? Stand by and do nothing?"

Asked the cat faunus, Weiss crossed her arms and stared sternly at their Headmaster.

Weiss: "Besides, she was admitted into Beacon two years early..."

The heiress asked the soul-crushing question without a moment's hesitation. She knew that Ruby was too young to have been attending the academy, expressing concern for it a few times before. However, this was the first time she brought the question to directly to Beacon's administration.

Ozpin: "I...I..."

The old man stumbled a little with his words. The two huntresses stood opposed to him across his desk. Blake's judging amber eyes and Weiss stern baby-blues eyed him down.

Blake: "We're going, Ozpin. Whether you like it or not."

Weiss: "We're getting our teammate back."

Ozpin: "Please, don't go. I believe I finally understand what the Joker's trying to do."

Blake: "And what's that?"

She asked.

Ozpin: "He's sowing the seeds of chaos, trying to destroy all I've built. In the process, he'll break the fragile order I... and many others before me worked hard to built. I'm trying my best to keep a hold of order, but I need you and the other students to work with me. Not against me."

He explained, without revealing his past.

Weiss: "Saving face? This is what it's all about? By the gods, I thought Vale would be different from Atlas."

Weiss berated. Never losing her composure.

Ozpin: "Miss Schnee, Miss Belladonna. I implore that you stay at Beacon and await further instructions. By going to try and save Miss Xiao Long you're giving him ammunition to try and break my reputation. If my reputation falls, so does any semblance of unity in the entire world of Remnant!"

Ozpin warned.

Blake: "So this is what it's really about? Your reputation?"

Ozpin: "It's not! It's about the strength of Remnant, our unity is what keeps us alive. If you get killed... an entire team of huntresses, what I've built will be ruined."

Weiss breathed in then out in an attempt to calm herself. Before continuing to speak.

Weiss: "Professor, we just want to save our friend from a murdering psychopath. If you want to stop us from doing so because of this whole 'greater good' nonsense... perhaps you are as slimy as (Y/N) told us you were."

Ozpin sat there silently. What (Y/N) wanted was to best Ozpin once more, in order to make him pay for his arrogance and ignorance by destroying all he built up. He knew this, but couldn't explain it to Weiss and Blake in order to continue and hide Salem.

Ozpin: "... You are to stay here, until further instructions. Is that understood. And never humanize the enemy by calling him by his real name."

He said, with a stern tone. The two remaining members of Team RWBY weren't going to back down.

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