Chapter 6: It Begins

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The cafeteria was crowded with students looking to the television overhead. No one ate a bite as the newscaster announced the recent robberies. Six robberies had occurred in total, with close to a billion worth in Lien being stolen. Cameras were able to catch footage of the perpetrators, men in clown masks of various paint jobs. 

Newscaster: "These simultaneous attacks on our economy are being dubbed the 'Clown Attacks.' While we don't know who these masked men are, or what their end goal intentions are. They are a threat to be dealt with immediately."

Weiss: "Has there been anything like this in the past?"

Blake: "Not that I know of, and trust me."

Blake replied. Ruby gently made her way through the crowd to get a better look.

Ruby: "Is Team CFVY back yet?"

She asked Yang curiously, the blond shook her head in response.

Ruby: "Then, what's happening right now?"

Yang: "A gang of clowns stole money from like, six banks last night while we were sleeping. All at the same time."

Ruby looked towards the television screen for a moment, before looking back at Yang.

Ruby: "Yikes. Who could've done this."

Weiss: "Only Torchwick. But he hasn't been seen for a long time since that Paladin incident."

She answered.

Jaune: "Maybe someone else is trying to become the new Roman Torchwick"

Yang: "We'll just have to beat them up harder to knock some more sense into them."

Suddenly, an assistant gave the newscaster another piece of paper. Written on it was the back was the word 'Revision.'

Newscaster: "Um. This just in we've received a USB from the man who claims to be a the leader of this new crime group." 

Pyrrha: "Why would they just send a video to the news studio?"

Pyrrha asked. Both herself and her surrounding fellow huntsmen and huntresses.

Newscaster: "...Please be warned, the footage is disturbing."

The screen cut to grainy footage of a desolate room. A party banner hung low, scrawled all over the large colorful 'Let's Party!' was the letters. 'JNN'

In the center of the room, was a woman with long purple hair. Tied up on a chair, and her makeup was all ran down from tears. 

Blake: "I-Is that..?."

She stuttered.

Yang: "That's Lisa Lavender."

Yang answered. Meanwhile, the previous news host began to read from a piece of paper which was on a stand meant for music concerts.

???: "Tell them your name, go on don't be shy. It's not like you haven't done this before."

A voice behind the camera giggled a little. That single giggle was already enough to send a few chills down Ruby's spine.

Lisa: "Hi, Vale. My name is Lisa Lavender. Here for... this morning's news..."

She looked down, sobbing a little.

???: "Continue with the script... pleeeease?"

The voice pleaded in a child-like manner.

Lisa: "What does chaos smell like, what does chaos taste like, what does chaos look like? It doesn't have a good aftertaste that's for sure... Today, you have had but a glimpse of my capability. More is to come, I guarantee that. I will strip away your freedoms, your happiness... Your lives will change for the absolute worst. You thought Roman Torchwick was bad. Roman is a fraud who's total effect comes down to simply raising dust prices. What I have in mind is to tear down this orderly society and it's very structure brick by brick..."

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