Chapter 5: Chaotic Clown

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(Y/N): "Da da dum... da da dum." 

(Y/N) mouthed to himself, taking little skips as his henchmen were working all around him. Hands behind his back, he made sure to check on the three charred corpses inside the nearby refrigerator. 

(Y/N): "Oh don't worry, they'll just have to cool down a little. Mhe he he he he..."

He laughed, slamming the fridge door. Before the door to his hidden lair burst open with a ball of flame, in walked Cinder. Eyes fiery with anger and teeth gritting so hard they seemed as if they were straining under stress.

Cinder: "(Y/N)! What the hell is going on here?"

She strode towards him.

(Y/N): "Ah, Ms. Fall."

He grinned in a welcoming smile, only to be met with a smack to the face. 

Cinder: "Idiot! Low profile! We told you specifically to keep a low profile. What is the matter with you?!"

(Y/N) rubbed the red mark on his cheek, laughing a little.

(Y/N): "A hidden base in an old abandoned building is as low profile as it gets dear."

Cinder walked to the fridge, opening it. Revealing once more the body parts of 3 charred corpses.

Cinder: "Does this look like low profile?!"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Cinder flashed the make-up wearing boy a furious stare and again walked over to a large safe which had a 4-digit code.

Cinder: "What's the password?"

(Y/N): "Like I'll tell-"

Cinder's eye flared up with the Fall Maiden's powers coursing through her. (Y/N) held up both of his hands.

(Y/N): "No need to get cranky, your temper is as fragile as glass."

(Y/N) laughed. Cinder pointed her arm at him. Threatening him with a searing fireball to the face.

(Y/N): "Okay okay don't get so mad. Jeez."

He giggled.

(Y/N): "The password is one four times."

The girl just looked at him both with shock and disdain.

Cinder: "...Are you serious?"

(Y/N): "Extremely."

He nodded like an excited child.

Cinder: "Is this another one of your jokes?"

(Y/N): "Literally or figuratively? Because there's actually two ways it can be joked about. One is-"

Cinder fired out a flaming ball, which (Y/N) simply stepped to the left to avoid. It instead hit and disintegrated one of his henchmen. Leaving only a small pile of ash and a clown mask.

(Y/N): "As I was saying. He he he... It's totally not a joke."

Cinder just sighed and inputted the four digit pass code.

Cinder: "This next one won't miss."

The vault door accepted the simple password. Which opened immediately, Cinder pulled it open to reveal a straitjacketed Lisa Lavender. Who tried to escape by hopping towards the door, but the shackle on her ankles caused her to trip and fall face-first. (Y/N) laughed at the very sight.

Cinder: "Ah, one of V.N.N's most popular hosts. Does. This. Look. Like. LOW PROFILE TO YOU?!"

She ask-yelled, turning to (Y/N). Who was leaning casually against some crates, one of their sides fell down to the floor to reveal PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate). 

(Y/N): "Well, not really. But they'll just get another, prettier looking one."

He shrugged. Laughing again as Lisa yelled at him through her gag. Cinder walked over to him, grabbing him by the collar and shoved him against a wall.

(Y/N): "Agh! Ha ha ha! So this is those type of business relationships?"

Cinder: "What are you planning?"

(Y/N): "I'm simply doing what you told me to do. He he he. Become your red herring! Why so serious?... He he he HA HA!"

Cinder thought about it for a moment before she dropped the cackling clown, who simply fixed up his ruffled coat collar.

Cinder: "Very well then, fine. I'll accept whatever it is you're planning. But if you in any way decide to plot against me. Then It will be my turn to laugh as I wipe that smile right off your face."

(Y/N): "Of course of course. Sure thing..."

Cinder: "Know your place... And another thing, that makeup will cause your skin to irritate itself if you leave it on for too long. I suggest taking it off once in a while. I like my subordinates looking their best..."

As Cinder left the hidden lair. (Y/N) locked the door behind her. His henchmen eagerly watching him. He turned to look back at them.

(Y/N): "...Sure thing I'll plot against her! ...plot against her"

He laughed, again whispering the last part of his sentence. His henchmen meanwhile laughed alongside him. Either because they also hated their snobby boss, or because they were too afraid to get into the sights of their psychopathic boss. 

Meanwhile, (Y/N) pulled off a curtain nearby. Concealed behind it, a chaotic, malevolent plan. One that will certainly have the ten-fold effect Cinder Fall desires and more. (Y/N) held his hands to his hips, his already wide grin peeled back a little more as his mind ran wild with pleasing thoughts behind his chaos-driven desires.

(Y/N): "Wait till Vale gets a load of me..."

He snickered a little to himself. Licking his teeth.

Mt. Glenn

Roman: "Has (Y/N) at the very least been gathering Dust as well?"

Cinder: "It would seem so, along with piles and piles of Lien. He's got the while City of Vale on it's toes at the very moment... To even think he still has a plan is downright insanity. He's operating as if he has no end objective in sight."

Mercury: "Well then maybe you should have thought before you broke a freak out of some mental prison and gave him the green light to do what Torchwick should be doing."

Cinder: "He was a valuable asset, Neo told me all about about his expulsion from Beacon. And immediately I knew that he would have harbored hatred against huntsmen. I looked deeper into his profile and found that he scored way above the average on the tactician's exam in his previous school."

Roman: "Neo... told you?"

Roman looked confused.

Cinder: "Her notebook."

Roman: "Oh."

He nodded, before returning to writing out calculations for their upcoming train attack.

Emerald: "So, what happens to the clown once his plans are enacted?"

Cinder: "The same happens with any loose end that tragically loses any of it's use to us."

She said, looking to Emerald and Mercury.

Cinder: "That's your job once his is done. Do you understand?"

She asked. The both of them nodded.

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