Chapter 14: Institution

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With all possible internal threats to oppose my scheme gone, I finally had the room I needed to enact the final bit of my plan down. I first started with just one room of the academy, but now I'm bringing the entirety of this corrupt institution down. Ozpin wants nothing more than to try and save the world using his special children, pathetic, blind followers. Admirable, to an extent. Once you realize just how annoyingly devoted to the hero role they are, none more guilty than the Magnificent Oz himself.

I may seem like a crazy person, a genocidal maniac, or maybe even a threatening terrorist. But, all that always all starts somewhere. Ozpin, a man who I once admired as the model huntsman. The pillar of truth and righteousness all parents tell to their kids should they aspire the life of a Reaper of the Grimm. Kind of like that Grimm Reaper of old legend.

Now the illusion has gone up in a beautiful bouquet of flames and fallen. I now see him for what he truly is, just a delusional coward who is on a thousand-year quest which he has already failed multiple times over. Right now, he is at his high. This is the most powerful and influential he has ever been, commanding an entire legion of teen soldiers.

Disregarding the blatant underage combatants, which aren't what showed me the truth. But the means on which he would go to get there, to get more pawns onto the board. A Faunus girl, who's done no wrong or harm in her life. Reduced to a crying wreck because of a few loud-mouthed scumbags who couldn't keep their thoughts to themselves. Even the rampant bullying isn't the problem, it wouldn't be a problem if Ozpin had just taken steps to ensure that it wouldn't happen again or at least punished them once I had told Goodwitch about it all. But alas, he just... let it slide. This corrupt asshole would rather keep his endless proxy conflict going, and his academy's high prestige untainted without accusations of rampant bullying. Rather than allowing one person to live normally in an environment where they're treated like a living being.

So, as a result of all this I will never stop. Ozpin's tower of cards will fall by my hands. The old coot thinks that his Beacon Academy is high, mighty and infallible. I'm already bringing about the downfall of Ozpin's perfect little world. His precious warrior's inability to catch one troublemaker is already causing some doubts in the public. Exactly as I had intended, the entire City of Vale is teetering on the edge and it's only a matter of time before it's beacon of hope collapses.

To put it straight and simple. I'm gonna bring Ozpin's world crashing down all around him. To show him and his devout children that a perfect world can bring forth imperfect problems, some of which you can't stop until it's too late.

With the first part of my plan done and over with, I could finally place the second part in motion. Months ago, Ozpin attempted to try and thwart my very existence, sending me to that damn facility. Plus, that court was definitely rigged, there wasn't even a jury gathered to help give the verdict. It was all a ploy, Ozpin's ploy.

Adam: "Well, you gone and did it. You killed every single one of them."

I heard Adam say, I turned around on my chair. With my makeup half-on, I hadn't fully applied my white face-paint yet. But it was enough to conceal most of my skin, which recently had been looking awful thanks to the duration I've had with it on.

(Y/N): "Good evening, Taurus."

Adam: "You do realize that they were working under-"

(Y/N): "Yada yada yada, Maidens, Salem. I get all that mythical archaic crap."

Adam: "I'm not here to tell you who our employers are, or to berate you for killing those who hired us. I'm here to say that you have just royally screwed up everything."

(Y/N): "Screwed up everything, how?"

I asked. 

Adam: "You just killed Cinder, who was the one who directly reported to Salem. Practically her prodigy"

(Y/N): "How does that muck up everything, might I ask?... might I ask?"

Adam: "Well... well..."

He said, suddenly coming to a halt.

(Y/N): "You've grown so accustomed to fighting the system that you don't even know how to bend it to your will. There's a reason I let Neo have the Maiden's powers, what Salem needs is the Maidens to have access to Beacon's artifacts. So, technically there's no reason for Salem to kill me. If anything, the very fact that I was able to best the Fall Maiden proves my worth as an underling... well at least to her."

Adam: "Who's next on your little hit list, then?"

(Y/N): "Definitely not you."

Adam: "And why's that?" 

(Y/N): "It's because I need someone to rein in his Faunus underlings. The game's still on, and I'm not going to lose... going to lose."

Adam: "The White Fang aren't a force for hire. You can't just make them do whatever you wish."

(Y/N): "I know that, and yet you were hired by Cinder. You consistently spout what amounts to a big fat pile of nothing. Listen closely and listen well, maybe if you broadened your simplistic black and white view on Remnant maybe you'd be able to yield something out of society. But no like the dumb bull you are, all you do is act rash and aggressive. You don't see the problem right in front of your ringed nose."

That really struck a chord. I smiled, it's always fun making people mad.


He yelled. His hand reaching for his sword.

(Y/N): "And he he he... here you are doing that again. HA HA HA HA HA!! You're just proving my point, the reason so many people look at Faunus as terrorists is because of you people. I cannot believe you are so frustratingly stupid as to not understand that!" 

I rose from my chair, reaching for my revolver.

Adam: "No! YOU DON'T GET IT! You will never know what it's like to be seen as different from other people! Just because of something that's unique to you... You won't know the frustration of feeling those people who just... stare. You just know they're being critical and there's nothing you can do to change it. It makes you feel... powerless." 

He spoke quieter. Our hands almost simultaneously drifted away from our holstered weapons.

(Y/N): "And they point you out to their friends. Telling them, there's the weirdo over there... o-over there. That has happened to you more than once throughout your life... no?"

I asked solemnly, recovering a distant playground memory in the very back of my head. Which had sat there for years on end, I always had that laughing condition even throughout my childhood and teenager years. That was just the first of many. Adam sat down on one of the nearby desks, nodding. 

Adam: "I remember first hearing about the Beacon massacre from one of my henchmen. They were talking about how a huntsman killed his entire team, rumors spread that the murdered were involved in the bullying and near-suicide of a Faunus student."

I sighed, pulling out a cigarette and Torchwick's lighter. I clenched it between my teeth and flicked the lighter open. Giving out a puff.

(Y/N): "...I didn't do it for the White Fang. I did I because I saw someone being unfairly bullied for something that made them unique."

I explained.

Adam: "I won't preemptively assume your stance with the White Fang. My apologies for the yelling."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah. Don't do it ever again. Besides, it's detrimental for us to quarrel so near the end goal."

I say. Returning to my swivel chair to apply my makeup.

Adam: "And what's the end goal?"

He asks, I turn around as I'm painting my blood-red smile.

(Y/N): "Bringing down a temple over it's preacher's head."

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