Chapter 11: Nerves

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- (Y/N)'s POV -

Blondie grabbed me by the hair and slammed me into the one-way glass. Sending sharp pieces flying everywhere.

Blake: "Yang! No!"

Weiss: "Calm down!"

Her teammates tried to stop her, but her eyes were red, hair aflame with a violent fire.

(Y/N): "And I thought you hunters were the type to use words over actions."

Yang: "Actions tend to speak louder."

She said, socking me right in the face.

Yang: "Where is he!"

(Y/N): "I don't know..."

I said with a wide grin. Where their team leader stepped in.

Ruby: "Tell us. Where he is..."

She said, her voice dripping with absolute fury. Her innocent looking face, trying to appear as threatening as possible. Just made me giggle more.

(Y/N): "Looks like the Rose has grown her thorns."

Weiss: "Ruby, don't stoop down to his level. We're better than this!"

Ruby: "You have wasted enough of our time, tell us where he is right now!"

(Y/N): "As I said before... he he he... I cannot tell you. Because I don't know where he is, I made sure that my henchmen wouldn't tell me as to not let you poker-faced puppets squeeze anything out of me... out of me..."

Yang grabbed me by the collar, pushing me up against the wall. I only licked my lips, satisfied that everything so far was going along as I hoped.

Yang: "Is this some sort of sick game to you?"

(Y/N): "No. It's a sick game for you... Because it forces you to make a hard decision."

I bluntly stated, Yang gave a sarcastic smirk.

Yang: "Yeah, I'll fucking kill you."

Yang, with all her might. Threw me to the floor, punching me as hard as she could.

Yang: "You like that you piece of shit!?"

Initially I groaned in pain from the blow to the head, but it was returned with a piercing cackle which erupted out of nowhere. Nonetheless, I was still winning no matter what they did.


Blake and Weiss grabbed Yang's arms to restrict her from causing more harm to their prisoner. 

(Y/N): "You huntsmen are always the righteous ones. Mhe he he he..."

Ruby looked into her sister's eyes. Patting her on the shoulder to reassure her. Aww, such care from fellow siblings. The bond of family is the best to break.

Ruby: "Let's get out of here, we have more important matters to attend to."

Cardin stepped back into the cell, while the rest of his team was outside to prevent anyone from entering. RWBY, meanwhile left for the airships to Vale. Everything seems to be going smoothly at the very moment.

- 3rd Person POV -

Ruby: "We have to get Dad."

Yang: "I agree, but how? We have no idea where he is."

Ruby: "We split into two groups. Blake and Yang, you two support the others in the city. Weiss, you and I will go and try to see where that call came from."

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