Chapter 7: Change of Tactics

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Ruby leaned on her scythe, tired eyes searching all over the place for a possible sign of the Joker or his henchmen in the area. There was nothing.  Absolutely nothing in sight that would point to any criminal activity in the area. In fact, the Beacon students have been stretched thin all across Vale. With Ozpin borderline hellbent on not allowing the Joker to have any foothold to gain any monetary power. But with this 'defend everything' doctrine came with it a shortage of people to carry out the operation.

Ruby: "How long have we been stationed here?"

She asks.

Blake, leaning against a wall. Drifted off a little before her head sprung up. 

Blake: "Three days."

Yang: "There's a joke waiting to be made here, I'm just too freakin' tired to do it."

Yang responded, sitting with her back against the vault door.

Ruby: "Where's Weiss?"

Blake: "Bathroom break, though she probably fell asleep or something."

Yang: "I'll go wake her up, keep a lookout while I'm away."

Ruby: "Yaaang, we've been keeping a lookout for four day-"

Blake: "Three days."

She corrected her team's visibly tuckered out leader.

Ruby: "Three days already."

Ruby said, almost snoring as her head drooped a little. But she awoke herself with a few slaps to he own cheek.

Yang: "Well then, maybe you should ask Oz for a break."

Weiss: "We have requested resting time, two times already."

Weiss returned from he washroom break.

Ruby: "Weiss? We thought you fell asleep in a bathroom."

Ruby bewilderingly said.

Blake: "We only theorized that, Ruby."

Blake responded.

Weiss: "First of all Ruby, it's restroom not bathroom. And secondly, why in the ever loving heck would I fall asleep in a restroom? That's disgusting an uncultured."

Yang: "The fact still remains that Ozpin has had almost every single student in Beacon out guarding these banks, which from the looks of it is working. But damn, he's tiring us out."

Yang rubbed her lilac eyes a little to keep them from closing.

Weiss: "And thinking about it now, it is strategically unsound."

Weiss butted in.

Ruby: "How so?"

The red-haired girl asked.

Weiss: "Well if my memory serves me correctly, even in my current sleep-deprived state. There is an old Atlesian saying, 'He who defends everything defends nothing.'"

Yang: "How does that work?"

Yang crossed her arms whilst she asked.

Weiss: "This means if we're spread so thinly across Vale, we have less presence. Meaning that technically, the Joker could just in theory... attack someplace else that isn't a bank..."

Team RWBY all looked at each other with wild eyes.

Ruby: "Could this have been his plan the whole time?"

She asked with great worry.

Blake: "I think so..."

Yang: "We have to tell Ozpin this."

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